June 15, 2016

#HASHTAGHUMPDAY | Things I don't have time for

Happy Humpday friends! I once again find myself only showing up for my weekly hashtaggin'. I'm not proud of it, but I can't seem to find it in me to get more written here. 

It's not for lack of ideas. Or lack of desire. Ok maybe a little lack of desire. But mostly it's just that I don't have time. It seems to be a common thing lately for me. 

Before we get into it, let me remind you you have a plethora of link ups to confess your face off to every Wednesday. #Hashtaghumpday with my partner in crime Lauren and I of course, Alanna for confessions as well as Plucky in Love, and then Kathy and Nadine! So much humpity-hump-day love!    

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


When you get to be a certain age, there are a lot of things you stop giving a F about and that you frankly just don't have time for.

For example. I don't have time for ridiculous levels of approval processes at work. When I get shit done, good shit I might add, and then it circles back to me with the question "did it go through legal?" I get very, very pissed.  First of all, why didn't anyone tell me it needed to go through legal in the first place? And second, if it's gone through every other freaking department in the whole company how did none of those departments feel the need to share it with legal. Let's just add one more hoop to jump through why don't we? #aintnoonegottimeforthat

Another thing I don't seem to have time for lately is cleaning. I've let it slip. Partially because I ran out of swiffer wet cloths for my mop, and partially  because who gives a #bleep. #aintnoonegottimeforthat

Along with cleaning, cooking has also slipped away from me and my time limits. I guess I've just un-domesticated myself. The bummer part about this one though is that I actually like to cook. I don't like the dishes and mess it makes though. And since you've seen the above thing I don't have time for, I can't go making messes #aintnoonegottimeforthat

I bet you can guess the next one. Exercise. BINGO! Nope, can't seem to get to the gym either. I've been going to volleyball multiple times a week. Which is a major part of all the above time issues. However as my only physical activity I think that makes it ok. Getting to the gym lately though? #aintnoonegottimeforthat

And since I can't find time to do anything I need to be doing or caring about, I'm obviously behind on packing for my trip to San Fran this week. Tomorrow I'm jetting off for the epic #SFBingerWithMyGinger bachelorette party!

So have a beyond wonderful rest of your week and weekend.


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June 8, 2016


Ok, so I know last week I promised I was on my way back into blogging.... and then it's still been a whole week since I posted. Oops. Hey that's life right?

I don't want to come here and make promises anymore because look where that has gotten me. NOWHERE. That doesn't mean I don't want to be here more or that I don't miss keeping up with all of you. If there are any of you left...

All I know is I'm going to try. So there's that.

Before we get into it, let me remind you you have a plethora of link ups to confess your face off to every Wednesday. #Hashtaghumpday with my partner in crime Lauren and I of course, Alanna for confessions as well as Plucky in Love, and then Kathy and Nadine! So much humpity-hump-day love!   

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


My brain is about as fried as it comes with two weekends out of town (more on that later, I hope) a fun in the sun weekend last week (for extra frying power) and enough craziness at work to make anyone loony. So you were warned in advance how random this will be #crazyiswhatimgoodat

I bailed on work early yesterday to get my hair done. I took full advantage. Got myself a coffee, sat and enjoyed myself. There's nothing like it in my opinion. New hair feels. LOVE IT #highlightlife #salonaddict #newhairdontcare

I'm going to San Francisco next week. EEEEEEE!!! (Probably means very little blogging again - oops). It's for a bachelorette party and it's going to be fabulous. I told myself I was going to budget for it though....and well... thank goodness for credit cards. I feel like if it's travel and experiences it's worth it right? #seetheworld #onebachelorettepartyatatime

I almost forgot the BF's birthday. I got a Facebook invite for another friend's birthday party this weekend and luckily he commented in the event "that's my bday weekend too." Hello last minute red flag. I told you my brain was wack! #howdoiforgetafter5years #manthatsbad

So I ordered his gift and paid the extra for a rushed delivery. Fingers crossed it gets here by Monday (his actual birthday) #mailwatching #wishmeluck #hebetterloveit

I've been dubbed "team lead" as part of our annual convention happening in July. I'm in charge of the entire social media training section of our expo space - about 70,000 feet worth! That's JUST my section. While I am beyond pumped to take on this enormous responsibility I can't help but also be ridiculously stressed. They have one of their newest employees doing this - they must have extreme confidence in me or something #guessishouldbemoremature #stillthinkitsabovemypaygrade #sowheresmyraise

Still as stressed as I am, I am equally as excited. I've been given this tremendous opportunity, I get to go to Nashville all expenses paid, see a show at the Grand Ole Opry and spread my wings not only in social media but also in event planning. It's kind of a job-dream come true #finallyfoundit #stressedbutblessed

There are a MILLION things I want to chat with you all about, including a trip to Minnesota, a horseride through the vineyards of Washington, some other miscellaneous tidbits, etc. But to be honest I got sucked into an epic Womens College World Series softball game on TV tonight (a 7+ run comeback!) and time got away from me #thiswasmeinfrontofthetv #softballforthewin

So I'll leave those tasty morsels for another day. #letshopeithappens.

Till then, happy humpday people! Link up!

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June 1, 2016


So I kind of forgot to come back from my break....

Ooops! Hey, but I'm here, even if late. HUGE APOLOGY to the usual linkers!

I don't have anything today because I'm speed writing this at work.

BUT.... I do think I'm going to come back. YAY! More later this week.

All my love - now link up!

Before we get into it, let me remind you you have a plethora of link ups to confess your face off to every Wednesday. #Hashtaghumpday with my partner in crime Lauren and I of course, Alanna for confessions as well as Plucky in Love, and then Kathy and Nadine! So much humpity-hump-day love!   

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


Ok, do your thing...
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