July 31, 2014

Adventures in Dating!

Hello everyone!

I am super excited to be featured over at Just a Trace today for Tracey and Cat's monthly Adventures in Dating!

This is my first feature post on another blog - so bare with me. If you are interested in my online dating experience be sure to hop on over there and get the down-low of how it all went down and how I finally reeled in a good fish!
Make sure you show Tracey some love while you are there! Her blog Just a Trace is on my must-read list. 

So go take a peek into my dating history and if you have any questions or want more details get in touch!


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July 30, 2014


Oh wow – I haven’t linked up for some confessions in well… a long time.

But since I really need to get back on this blog wagon (struggle city over here) what better way to do so than link up with Kat and confess?
Vodka and Soda

Tomorrow I am going to be featured on one of my FAVORITE blogs! Have you checked out Just a Trace? Because you need to ASAP. Or just do it tomorrow while I'm over there confessing some online dating history of mine for her Adventures in Dating series! Tracey is awesome, so make sure you poke around and check out her blog as well.

I have not gone to the gym in WEEKS. It is a disaster. I’m bigger than I’ve ever been and I need to get to work on myself. Fair was a great excuse, but now it’s over with and I need to get my ass in gear.

Another one of my friends got engaged last week. I’m at that age where every other week it’s a wedding, engagement or baby. Seriously, every Monday my Facebook feed blows up with wedding photos of the 3 or more weddings from that weekend. But back on the friend getting engaged note – it is about time! Her and her now fiancĂ© have been dating for 5 and a half years! Anyways I am super excited for them and for their wedding.

On the engagement note, I’ve been getting a lot of the “when are you guys going to get engaged” question lately. Today it hit me that we have been living together more than a year. I didn’t really expect to live together that long without (cough) something or other on my finger. Three and a half years is plenty of time for him to make up his mind right?

I have something going on EVERY weekend for the rest of the summer. The sad part? Right now I am NOT excited about it. After Fair all I want to do is sleep and lay around on my couch with my dog. Is that too much to ask for? Instead I’m going to Salt Lake City this weekend for a shopping trip, have a pool party/stay the night type event the following weekend, a birthday and tour de fat (bikes and beer yo!) the following weekend, a bachelorette party the next weekend and then it’s Labor Day. No time for a lounging weekend at all in there. Oh the pain…. I hope if I could just have one solid 12 hour sleep sesh that I would be more excited for these things, or just for life in general. A 90 hour work week kills!

I’m needy. I feel like in my relationship I am constantly asking and wanting more, and it makes me feel like a whiny, needy, high maintenance whore. I’ve never really considered myself high maintenance. As a people pleaser through and through, most of my relationships have revolved around the other person. Recently however, I’ve realized that if I’m in this one for the long haul I need ME to be taken care of as well. Probably a good realization right? So why do I feel like a whiny little girl who needs affection and doting and mushy romance all of the sudden? It’s not a good look for me.

I feel like that was all a little scatterbrained. Post Fair brain is not firing on all cylinders. Here’s to hoping next week I will be back to normal!

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July 28, 2014

I survived the Fair

I’m alive!!!

Ok – I know no one was really concerned about that, but you know, just in case.

I have officially survived my first Fair at my new job. It was a grueling, long, 90 hour week.

It was also one of the best weeks of my life.

As part of my job I was backstage at two country concerts, had 3 TV interviews, drove around a personal golf cart, judged a pie contest, dominated a watermelon eating contest, rode in a helicopter and sprinted with a dolly loaded of beer through a packed Fairgrounds. Needless to say there was never a dull moment.

I can honestly say I feel like I have one of the coolest jobs ever. Yes, there was a lot of not so fun things too – my professional photographer cussing out a teenager, sponsors flipping out when their signs got covered and news stations that were less than accommodating when it came to letting me know they were on their way. But I made it. And the Fair was a HUGE success.

I don’t really feel like this morning is real – that the Fair is really over and now we have to start the whole process over again. All I know is I can’t wait till next Fair and the whirlwind of 4 crazy days that come with the Fair I am now, officially in love with.

Can’t wait to get caught up with all you lovelies!

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July 22, 2014

Tuesday Tangent

Ok, it’s not really a tangent, more of a random ramble…

So as I mentioned in my last and distant post, it’s Fair week. I work for a county fair and when you are basically party planning for 45,000 people things get a little chaotic. No – I’m not doing it alone, but trust me it’s a trip.

It obviously has limited my blog time. More so the long hours have rendered my brain function so you get this random ass, half-assed post today.

Some things…

Apparently I am more attractive in my chubbier state. Ok I’m not quite chubby at this point, but I am at my highest weight probably ever (I blame the Fair - is that a trend yet?). However, I have gotten blatantly hit on twice this week and I honestly cannot remember getting hit on any time in the past two years so it was noticeable.

First was the 19 year old son of the nail tech when I got my nails done this weekend as some pre-fair relaxation. Apparently I look like a teenager because he had no shame. James said they probably sick him on all the ladies who get their nails done to make them feel special, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the case.

Next was the cashier at the grocery store. Very questioning, especially about what I was doing this weekend. I told him about working at the Fair and he seemed very interested in driving the 25 miles out to Caldwell to attend… seemingly to see me? Awkward.
Carnival is getting set up!
Ok next…

I made some BOMB panini’s last night for dinner. That is all.


Today I had my first wardrobe malfunction of the Fair. Bleachers around this joint aren’t exactly new and if you rub your ass up against one to get in the ideal spot to snap a photo it will slice into your butt and tear your good shorts. Not my best moment.

here is the tear in my shorts - yes this is my butt cheek..

Alright, sorry that this is all for now. I PROMISE to get myself back on the every-week-day and actually meaningful post pace when Fair is over. Until then you get random, you’re welcome.

Someone drink a beer or two for me and say a little prayer. Gates open in less than 48 hours.

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July 16, 2014

Remember when I had a life?

Remember when I had a life? Ok let me rephrase… remember when I had time to read blogs and actually blog? That ship has sailed.

This is my "shit's getting crazy" face
I’ve confessed that I do my blogging at work before. It’s really the only time of day I surrender myself to be in front of a computer, because 8 hours is more than enough in my opinion. If I have to stare at it anyway, might as well be productive (haha).

But these days something has gotten in the way. Actual work. That’s right folks its Fair month (see more about my 9 to 5) and work is nonstop phones ringing, emails, onsite walk throughs and panicking. Not really a lick of time in there for blogging.

So consider this my apology for being absent of reading, commenting and of course posting. I promise come July 28th or 29th I will return to blogger world. And if you’re lucky a few times between now and then might squeeze a rando in there too.

Until then, please know I am missing you blog world!
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July 11, 2014

Stuff I'm addicted to

 I have some weird addictions, so I thought it only natural to share them with you in case you didn’t know about them already.

I’m going to start with the biggest, and probably the most unhealthy of which; Pinterest.

That’s right, you heard it, I’m addicted to Pinterest. If PAA (Pinterest Addicts Anonymous) existed, I’d need to go to meetings.

I believe I got into the Pinterest fad on the early side of it. I was that person who got others addicted (sorry friends).  And from that early beginning grew an obsession that has led me to 13 boards, 300 followers and almost 4,100 pins.

Going a day without Pinterest is rare for me. I sometimes manage it on Saturdays, when I’m too busy running around and doing other things to whip out the phone and take a peak. But I always get my little fix Sunday night in bed (unless I decide to save it as a treat for Monday morning).

You see, I’m a BAD Pinterest-er, in that I browse and pin at work (eeeek). What can I say? It’s the perfect escape when you are stuck at your desk staring at a computer all day. I pin at night too, but I do the most browsing during the day. Facebook? Instagram? Sure they have their place in my life, but those aren’t constantly changing like Pinterest. Pinterest never fails to have new Pins, and EVERYTHING is always new every time you refresh. I feel like I’m scanning the whole web-ernet-universe for things I might love, all in one place.

Glorious I tell you, glorious!

So, if you don’t already, I encourage you to follow my addiction (trust me I Pin good shit!)

Ok moving on…I'll keep the rest short and sweet.

My other addictions include:

Strawberry Carmex, iced chai tea, peanut M&Ms, Say Yes to the Dress and taking pictures of my pets.

Now some please, please, please tell me they are as addicted to Pinterest as I am?

Haha, no but really, what are your addictions?