October 29, 2015

Can You Help Me Please?!

Does anyone else sometimes feel like they are very lost in what they are doing every day? I'm not trying to get deep here, like what's my purpose in life or anything, but sometimes I find myself with that high-pitched basic girl voice in my head saying "wwhhhhhaaaat?"

I've asked for blogger help before regarding trends and you guys went above and beyond, so I'm going to lay out some things I need help with today and then cross my little stubby fingers that you feel inclined to comment and help a sister out. 

And when I say lay out things, I also mean some embarrassing questions. Questions I know I could google or should know the answer to. 

If you need to laugh at my blondness in this, please go ahead. The other option is doing that AND giving some needed answers. 

Ok, thanks.

First, what is Periscope? How is it different than Snapchat? Is it worth it? Just why? Just what?

Next, Podcasts. Obviously ALL THE RAGE right now. So here's the thing, are they only for Pod devices (apple?) or can I get them on my Android? Where do I find these mystical things? And if they are so popular why are they so confusing to me? 

Third, call anxiety. Does anyone else absolutely fear making calls? To the point it makes you almost physically ill? Do you have strategies to combat that fear? Tips much appreciated.

Back to Snapchat. Where is the line between just adding stuff to your story and sending it directly to someone? Meaning another blogger. I have a few bloggers I'm close enough to that I send stuff direct but what about all the other bloggers I now follow due to the increased Snapchat popularity? Like can I send one of those big time bloggers a snap? Or is that taboo? Just stories? Tell me what's appropriate.

Does anyone have the secret to doing more in a day that doesn't include getting up earlier? How do bloggers do it all with a job and still cook, clean, work out, and blog? Is it just a motivation thing? Am I just THAT lazy? Is there time-management tool you can share?

Am I just worrying about totally non-important things? Yeah probably.

Still wanting your two-cents though!

Linking up with Joey for Stuff & Things!

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October 28, 2015

#HASHTAGHUMPDAY | Halloween Confessions

Is anyone else in disbelief that it's the last week of October? And that Thanksgiving is like tomorrow and then Christmas two days later? At least that's how this time of year always feels to me.

I can't believe it. I almost want to boycott Halloween to keep it from coming. Almost...

The jury is still out on whether or not I'll be celebrating. I've made a tail so there's slight progress.

Before we get started go say hi to my co-host in crime Lauren! Then don't forget to visit Alanna and link up your confessions there too! Knocking out all the confessions and link-ups in one day is like scoring all the Halloween candy #amiright?

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


Since it's the week of all Hallow's Eve I thought we'd do some Halloween inspired confessions?

I once tried to rip off Ron Burgandy's mustache at a bar on Halloween. It was his real mustache. #neverlivingthatonedown #itlookedsuperfake

Halloween has never been the same for me since I woke up in hell the day after celebrating one year in college #itwasbrutal #goreadthelinkandyoullunderstand

When I was a kid I never ate all my Halloween candy #ilikesaltynotsweet #italwaysgotthrownaway

I've been a black cat more times than I can count #becauseitseasy #andsleasy

My favorite costume (as a grown up that is) was when I was a corona bottle #becausebeer

I actually like cleaning out pumpkins to carve them #alltheguts #slimyisgood #imdisgusting

As a perfectionist actually carving my pumpkin gives me anxiety though #itneedstobeperfect

For a group costume one year my sorority sisters and I went as penguins and I bought actual scuba flippers to wear out #thatwasawasteofmoney #didntthinkthatonethrough

In college a friend of mine and I carved really inappropriate pumpkins (one of male part and the other with an open mouth throwing/spitting up) and then put them on a neighbors porch strategically arranged...#weknewthemsoitsok #thepumpkinwouldntswallow #bjpumpkinforthewin

The best part of Halloween, in my opinion, is dressing up my dog (and maybe the cat) #becauseitsthebest #andhescuterdressedupthanme #tacodog #pinatacat

In case you were wondering about that tail I made - I'm being a black cat again #originaliknow

Tell me, what are you being for Halloween? Any past Halloween confessions?

Alanna & Company
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October 23, 2015

Friday Faves and Pushing Buttons

Happy Friday! Yay!

Let's do the standard Oh Hey Friday, Friday Faves thing shall we? I mean I'm kind of burnt out on original content this week, or that could be my pending pregnancy talking. It fries your brain, let me tell ya.

1 | The Back to the Future stuff this week was amazing. I mean, I loved all the police "reports" of catching the DeLorean and a 17 year old with a licence that was 50 years expired. And all the lists of the things the movie did get right. It had me reminiscing about back in the day for me, and I found THIS and all the wonderful things Snapchat would have captured back in the 90s.

source (hehe - Laura's number, that's me!)

Source (you know you did this and remember MASH?)

2 | I did it. I took the leap and signed up for Helene's Quit Your Job to Blog course! Yippee skippy! It's been on my wish list since she first announced it during her Get Noticed Now Webinar. I have nothing but grrrreaat things to say about Helene and her courses. I also purchased her Instagram for Success webinar and since that date (Sept. 16) I have OVER 100 new followers and went from averaging about 30 likes per post to over 60 likes per post! That may not seem like a lot but for my little Insta account, it was huge! If you love blogging, why not make the most of it? Take the course with me! 

Quit your Job to Blog e-course by Helene In Between
Sign up for Quit your Job to Blog

3 | Fall. I know this is a total cop-out, but this week we have had the most splendid fall weather. Yes I just said splendid because that's exactly what it has been. High 60's and sunshine with a slight breeze rustling through all the fall color. It makes me actually want to walk the dog when I get home from work. I think I have a smile permanently adhered to my face while I'm outside around this time of year and I'm not sad about it.

4 | Kittens in Costumes Video. My local humane society knows there stuff. I mean how could you not want to drive yourself over there right this second for one of these cuties?! Let's hope I can resist, otherwise Gunner and Ted might have a little costume-clad new baby brother or sister.

Kitten playtime
These crazy kittens are among the many cats available on our adoption floor right now. Consider dropping by for a visit! We are located at 4775 Dorman Street and open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day.
Posted by Idaho Humane Society on Wednesday, October 21, 2015

5 | Pushing my Button(s)! I'm looking for some new ladies (or gents) to feature over there on the side bar! <- See where Kasey and Lauren are hanging out? I want YOU there. Also I want to swap with you and hang out on your space! That's right, I'm pushing button swaps (zero doll-hairs exchanged)! I will also include social media mentions FREE! You can either email me at [email protected] or do it through my sponsor page, which has a button swap included. What do you say? Let's be friends and spread some love!

Onward to the weekend. Huzzah!

Linking up with Karli and Amanda.

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October 22, 2015

Week 1 Bumpdate | The time I got asked if I was pregnant

Is there something you're not telling me friends? Like the fact I have prominent beer belly or food baby of some sorts? I'd like to think that if you were my real friends you would have told me I was showing by now. My feelings are hurt.

Let's talk about that time I got asked if I was pregnant. Oh wait that was Tuesday. FML.

I have to say she was polite about it, if there even is a way to be polite about it.

She started it with the line "I'm fat but..." I think to make me feel better. Like that she wasn't calling me fat, just pregnant?

Still not sure. She also preempted  the whole conversation "with the danger of being really rude here," so obviously she knew it was a taboo topic. 

Here's the thing. Was I mortified? YES. Do I blame the hoodie with the belly pockets I was wearing? YES. Am I now SCARED SHITLESS that I might actually be pregnant...??? 


As much as I'd like to tell you it was just some completely horrid and rude lady calling me fat as I let it all hang out at the dog park, it was more than that. 

Here are the details. She apparently was not asking due to the belly. After the first initial blow of the question she said it was because of a "glow" I had. 

At this point I of course thought she was just covering her ass for calling a chubby girl pregnant who wasn't really pregnant.

Then she goes on to tell me she could tell her daughter-in-law was pregnant a month before she told anyone.

That's when panic set in.

You see the new birth control (I've mentioned) has kind of stopped the period flow. Or so I thought. I haven't had that reassuring monthly visit in a while which I knew was a side affect of the new implant.

That, or maybe I'm just pregnant.

How soon is too soon to panic? When a stranger calls you fat? I mean am I overreacting here?

Let me know if I should be buying a pee stick would ya?

Linking up with Penny, Kels and Joey!
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October 21, 2015

#HASHTAGHUMPDAY | The Guilty Edition

Fall has finally hit Idaho, that's about the only good news I have this week. That and my very first "real blogger" planner has shipped from A Beautiful Mess. I can't wait to have it in my hot little hands on Friday! 

Oh you're right - it's humpday too and that's always good news!!! Pop over and say hi to my co-host Lauren and her three pups. Then make sure to link up with us and Alanna for confessions! Two birds. One stone. #nailedit

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


This week we're talking about guilt. I have to confess my sins right?

I'm totally guilty of...

Scrolling through my Twitter feed and only reading things my blog "friends" have posted and nothing else #theimportantpeople

Throwing away plastic silverware at work even though we reuse them #thatswhyitplasticdamnit #idoenoughdishesathome

Adding "that's what she said" to the end of far too many sentences #twss #itsalwaysfunny

Getting angry when someone doesn't use their turn signal, while forgetting to use my own #hypocritstatus

Deciding not to leave a comment if a blog post already has 30 plus comments #theyhaveenoughloveforoneday

Not washing my hair everyday so I can sleep longer #dirtyhairdontcare #shamelessplug

Letting Gunner get after other people's dogs at the park when they are being asshole dogs and their owners aren't doing anything about it #theyneedtolearntheirlesson

Keeping all the things rolling around in my car and trunk #messycarpersonandihateit

Forgetting time and time again to remind my roommate to keep things off the counter or to move them myself and then the dog eats it #sorryaboutthosemuffins

Brushing my teeth when I get up instead of after breakfast #becausecoffeekeepsgoing

Cracking myself up with my own thoughts and laughing out loud #yourereallynotthatfunnylaura

Judging a new blog the second I open the page and whether I'm going to follow or read it #haveagooddesignpeople

Changing the radio station when commercials come on even though it's my job to place commercials #ihopeotherpeoplelisten

Procrastinating phone calls because asking for money is the pits #ohshitthatshalfmyjob

Letting weeds grow humongous in my flower beds most of the year #itwastoohotforweeding #andimlazyasshit

Taking advantage of activities with my parents because I know they'll pay #helpmeimpoor

Telling myself I'm going to eat "Whole30-ish" during the week and then eating 5 pumpkin spice blondies a day #ohlookdessert!

Going to the bathroom a million times a day at work #allthewaterandallthestepsonmyfitbit

Not having a good idea for this post but coming up with far too many things I'm guilty of #couldhavebeenworse

What are you confessing and #-ing this week?

Alanna & Company

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October 20, 2015

How and Why I Stopped Washing My Hair Daily (with the dirty details)

I have always been one of those people that washed my hair every day. Sometimes more than once a day (which makes me cringe now). And I have to be honest, if it weren't for blogging I probably wouldn't have changed my ways. 

But, after seeing Helene's Secrets for Long Healthy Hair, Ashley's post on 3 Days of Buildable Hair, and Juliette's take on No 'Poo for You, I knew there was something to this non-washing notion. I mean they all have great hair do they not?

I should have taken this note from my mom a long time ago. She doesn't wash her hair everyday either, but I always accredited it to the fact she has short curly hair. No need right? Apparently she's been the one doing it right all along.

This post contains affiliate links. But it's for a product I LOVE so hear me out!

Here are all the reasons I have to NOT wash my hair daily (The WHY):

  • blow drying it after every wash is extremely damaging
  • washing strips the natural, healthy oils from my hair when done too often
  • washing turns my color-treated blonde hair brassy over time
  • sleeping is a far better way to spend time than blow-drying hair
I'm sure there are even more reasons as well, but basically that last one takes the cake.

For the longest time I didn't think it was an option for me, as I had tried baby powder and dry-shampoo and it didn't seem to do much for my fine, blonde hair that is greasy within seemingly 12 hours. 

Then I tried actually spending more than $4 on a product and guess what? It made all the difference. This is not a sponsored post, I just am IN LOVE with Batiste Dry Shampoo . Sure it's more pricey than the stuff I was buying at Walmart, but it is worth every penny! 

Seriously, this is the before, and it can transform it into perfectly-decent, clean and yummy smelly hair. -> insert thumbs up emoji.

Here's HOW I go about not-washing daily:

The key to washing your hair less is to have a strategy. Thanks to Ashley's post mentioned above, I had an idea as to how to keep in manageable. From there, it was figuring out what worked best for me.
I usually start my "hair washing week" on Monday with a wash before work. That makes it day one of my cycle and on a wash day I usually wear my hair down and straight.

Then depending on what shape my hair is in on day two (Tuesday) it's texture day. First comes a good brushing, and a hefty dose of Batiste Dry Shampoo (according to directions on the bottle). Once my hair looks "clean" again I style it typically in loose waves. If the front of my hair still isn't looking fresh I might twist and pin my bangs back. Another tactic I use is to braid my hair the night before and use a waver for loose crimps this day. No matter how I texture it I usually use some styling product to make it stay (i.e.100 squirts of hair spray).

Once (and if) I make it to day three it's about as ugly as that grease picture from above. Thank goodness I have Batiste to the rescue. Again applied per instructions and brushed through, it's time to put those locks back in my ballerina-style top-knot. I am so very glad my hair is long enough to do this again! However, any pulled back style will do. Sometimes I opt for a braid instead.

It takes a while to build this system up, and trust me it can be frustrating at times. Start with washing every-other day and then move to the 3 day system. If you mess up and wash two days in a row? Oh well, I still do sometimes too. It all depends on the week, my activities and how I feel (sometimes I just want to sit under hot water ok?).


Now I have to tell you about the not-so-fun consequences of not washing everyday. It all sounds like butterflies and rainbows right? More sleep and less damaged hair? YES! However I did have a side effect and I wanted to tell you the truth about it.

It could be that I'm a walking skin ailment, which I've mentioned before, but my scalp took the hardest hit during this transition. The scalp psoriasis that I had as a kid, that I had not seen in years, resurfaced. Itchy, ugly and flaky it was something I was not ready for when I made this change for the health of my hair.

At first I was ready to throw in the towel. If you have ever suffered from psoriasis, you'll understand. It's not a fun disease. But at the same time I feel this step toward washing less should be helping the condition, not hurting it. I am assuming that my body and scalp are still transitioning and adjusting to the change so I'm not going to give up just yet. 

Instead I've been fighting back. I've tried to use some of the tactics my dermatologist gave me when I had this as a kid, including shampooing with T/Gel Shampoo , brushing and combing regularly, and not wearing it up tight at night. 

So far that has been working well enough to get me through as I continue to build up my time between washes. I definitely have my fingers crossed that it's just a temporary flair up!

Oh and the other side effect to all this? Seriously healthier, thicker, happier hair. It's very worth it!

Do you wash your hair everyday? Do you have any suggestions for the scalp issues that my new routine caused? I want to know your tips and tricks for healthy hair!

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October 16, 2015

"Fall About Me"

Fall about Me fall leaves

I'm still a little out of sorts after my epic weekend, the craziness that insued, and then the near car accident and zero sleep that happened Tuesday night. Then almost forgetting the Fall Swag Swap link up and having to throw that in on Thursday. The result is post I meant to have out Monday, coming to you on a Friday. Better late than never right?

So today you get this fun fall post Martina tagged me for. Here we go!

Golden Retriever in fall leaves

favorite candle scent — I love Hot Buttered Rum from Bath and Body Works (which I can't find online and now I'm panicking that it's discontinued, eeek!), close seconds are Leaves and Winter. I haven't tried this Sweater Weather one everyone is talking about but I bet I'd like it too.

coffee, tea or hot chocolate? — Um all? I'm a new coffee lover but I still would pick a chai over coffee. And hot cocoa is more of a Christmas-time thing for me.

what is the best fall memory you have — I have so many! We used to, as a big extended family, rake the leaves of the huge oak tree in my Grandmother's front yard. All the aunts and uncles, cousins, etc would get together to do this, resulting in a leaf pile that was out of this world. One year I remember it being taller and wider than my dad's Tahoe. Seriously! So with this big leaf pile comes lots of jumping and playing. It was a special time with my family and I'll always remember it. Close second would be my year on Homecoming committee at the U of I!

colorful fall leaves

best fragrance for fall — whatever body splash I grab in the morning. I'm not much of a perfume person, but I generally mix it up on a daily basis. All 3 in my drawer right now are super old, 1 Victoria Secret one and 2 Bath and Body Works ones.

favorite Thanksgiving food — EVERYTHING! I think if I really had to choose it would be between stuffing and green bean casserole. The stuffing has to have gravy over it though. Yummmm. Man can it just be Turkey Day already?!

most worn sweater — my favorite sweater is sweatshirt material, cream with gray stripes, but it has a lace detail on the shoulders. It's so comfortable and cute and goes with everything.

football games or jumping in leaf piles — years ago, as noted above, leaves, today, football!

favorite type of pie — apple hands down. I like the kind with the crunchy toppings (dutch I think it's called?)

what is autumn weather like where you live — amazing while it lasts. 60s and 70s and a little rain here and there as the leaves turn. And I live in a town literally named "The City of Trees" so talk about fall color!

fall colors in Boise, Idaho

which makeup trend do you prefer: dark lips or winged liner — I'm a winged liner type of gal.

what song really gets you into the fall spirit — hmmmm the Remember the Titans soundtrack?

is pumpkin spice worth the hype — in coffee? No. In everything else, (and pumpkins in general) Yes.

mini fall pumpkins

favorite fall TV show — I'm hoping New Girl is going to start up soon!

skinny jeans or leggings? — Both! I live in skinny jeans so I like when sweater weather rolls around again and I can pull of leggings and boots as a break from the jeans.

combat boots or Uggs — Uggs. Well fake-uggs (Costco) because I can't afford the real thing.

Halloween: yay or nay — Yay to carving pumpkins and handing out candy, nay to dressing up and making a big deal out of it.

fall mornings or evenings — Evenings for fall dog walks with Gunner

walking the dog in the fall
Add caption

what do you think about Black Friday? — I'm big on Black Friday shopping although this year, due to budget restraints, I might skip it.

one Fall 2015 trend you love — booties!

Ok, who wants to play along?
Kasey @ Kasey at the Bat
Kimmi @ Chaos and Cocoa
And YOU! You should join in too even if I forgot to list you here...
Tell me "fall" about you please!
Happy Friday loves,
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October 15, 2015

Fall Swag Swap!

Happy mail is one of my favorite things. I love coming home to a package, especially when it's for me, and what's inside is a surprise! That's why I love blogger swaps so dang much. When Lindsay  announced she was teaming up to host a fall-themed swap I immediately hopped on board!

I was lucky to be paired with one of the lovely hosts, Amy from Set Free. She's a teacher, a mom and a lover of  coffee, essential oils, books, wine, nail polish, and spending time with her family. All things I can agree with!

Of course meeting new bloggers is half the fun, but let's get on to the goodies!!!

Amy nailed it on my swag - a "pumpkin everything" theme with a little Laura twist thrown in (beer)!

I mean look at this - it's a dress for a beer bottle! It screams Oktoberfest no? And you can't tell from this picture but uh - the dress is padded - so your bottle gets a rack!

And this pumpkin caramel corn? Don't even get me started. It was gone in 24 hours. Too good (and the boyfriend found it).

I loved the scarf and I cannot wait to make these pumpkin blondies.

But my absolute favorite thing? She included Gunner in the goodies with his very own pumpkin pie squeaker. Just look at his face!

I can't wait to see Amy's take on her swag. I hope it brought her as much joy as her package brought me!
Happy Fall Y'all!

Linking up with Kels for Secret Bloggers Club and Joey for Stuff & Things! Go say hi!
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