May 25, 2016

#HASHTAGHUMPDAY | Still mini breaking!

In case you missed my post a couple weeks ago, I'm on a mini-break! A.K.A off being a loser and missing all of you guys. Here's hoping I come back completely re-charged and ready to blog again!

Before we get into it, let me remind you you have a plethora of link ups to confess your face off to every Wednesday. #Hashtaghumpday with my partner in crime Lauren and I of course, Alanna for confessions as well as Plucky in Love, and then Kathy and Nadine! So much humpity-hump-day love!   

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


On a break. Wishing my sincerest apologies. And hoping you link up!

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May 18, 2016


In case you missed  last week's post, I'm on a mini-break! A.K.A off being a loser and missing all of you guys. Here's hoping I come back completely re-charged and ready to blog again!

we get into it, let me remind you you have a plethora of link ups to confess your face off to every Wednesday. #Hashtaghumpday with my partner in crime Lauren and I of course, Alanna for confessions as well as Plucky in Love, and then Kathy and Nadine! So much humpity-hump-day love!   

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


On a break. Wishing my sincerest apologies. And hoping you link up!

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May 11, 2016


We meet again over the bonds of #hashtagdom and humpday fun!

Before we get into it, let me remind you you have a plethora of link ups to confess your face off to every Wednesday. #Hashtaghumpday with my partner in crime Lauren and I of course, Alanna for confessions as well as Plucky in Love, and then Kathy and Nadine! So much humpity-hump-day love!   

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


Alright, in case the post title didn't fill you in, I've decided. I have decided to take a break. A mini-break though. So don't you fret #iknowyouwereworried

I think taking one to two weeks off would do me a lot of good. I have a lot to figure out and clean up in my life. Yes, one post a week is basically "a break" in general, and I deserve all the shit giving for saying I need even more of a break on top of that, but hey, I think it's for the best #seriouslythiscouldrechargetheshitoutofme #cleanupmylifeandgetmyshittogether

So that means next week I will not be here. Well, I'll have  A POST for you to link up with because I'm very full of myself and assume you will still do so even if I'm not around #youwillright?

No but really, I truly, whole-heartedly appreciate every single one of you who link up, and I want more than anything for this link up to continue #iheartyousomuch #pleasedontleaveme

That being said, I am sorry for the "I'm on a break" post next week followed by the link up. Who knows, I may come back FULL FREAKING FORCE after that, or it may just go back to confessions. Either way it will give me time to figure it out. Because you all deserve that from me. I am completely honored to have met and chatted with every single one of you ladies and I at least owe you a final answer after all these half-assed weeks! #imissyoualready

Now link on up, and enjoy your hump day!

All my love, 
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May 4, 2016


The struggle is real y'all. Too real. I can't quite make a decision about the struggle either. More on that later.

Before we get into it, let me remind you you have a plethora of link ups to confess your face off to every Wednesday. #Hashtaghumpday with my partner in crime Lauren and I of course, Alanna for confessions as well as Plucky in Love, and then Kathy and Nadine! So much humpity-hump-day love!   

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


First, let's all take a moment to celebrate this very important day #starwarsnerdforthewin

Ok here we go...

Struggle #1 - the minute the BF leaves town something tech-related goes on the fritz. This time? The TV. Now, I claim I'm not addicted, but let me tell you, when you can't watch it, it's all you want to do! I didn't realize how much I rely on it for background noise as I make and eat dinner, do chores and basically use it as company. Get this, it visually works fine, perfect picture, just ZERO sound. I've tried everything. Restarting it, unplugging it, unplugging the HDMI cords, even flipping the breaker!! Nothing would reset the sound. #WTF #whydidnoneoftheusualfixeswork #DAMNYOUTECHNOLOGY

Struggle #2 - Game of Thrones was on Sunday. Right after the above issue began. So, since watching it without sound would be pointless, I couldn't watch. And apparently SO MUCH HAPPENED! I now have to basically avoid half my friends and all of social media to avoid spoilers #itstheTVsfault #ragedoesntbegintocoverit #whatwillievendo

Struggle #3 - I cannot seem to get my ass back in gear. My injury literally knocked me off my feet for 6 weeks, and then there's been recovery (which is still continuing), but I can't seem to get my butt active again. The most I've done is yoga and walking. Part of it is my concern for re-injuring myself, seriously I am PETRIFIED. Part of it is I'm just lazy and it's hard to start from scratch after you were immobile for over a month. But it's starting to show around the mid section and I NEED to get going on it. Any tips for getting motivated? #weddingseasoniscoming #swimsuitseasontoo

Struggle #4 - I can't decide what to do with this space. A huge part of me wants to take a break. A full month - say May - to really reflect and decided if I want to continue it. But then I freak out about letting this little baby link up die. I've been so proud of how many links we get (few but mighty!) and I know a month off will only kill any growth we have. At the same time though, I'm not taking care of those wonderful link-uppers or commenting, so maybe it's for the best. Seriously WHAT DO I DO? #almostintearsoverthis #bloggerloveisreal #overwhelmedwithlifethough

What do you do when you are on the struggle bus? I think a beer is calling my name #drinkawaytheblues

Happy humpday friends. Link up!
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