First, let's all take a moment to celebrate this very important day #starwarsnerdforthewin
Ok here we go...
Struggle #1 - the minute the BF leaves town something tech-related goes on the fritz. This time? The TV. Now, I claim I'm not addicted, but let me tell you, when you can't watch it, it's all you want to do! I didn't realize how much I rely on it for background noise as I make and eat dinner, do chores and basically use it as company. Get this, it visually works fine, perfect picture, just ZERO sound. I've tried everything. Restarting it, unplugging it, unplugging the HDMI cords, even flipping the breaker!! Nothing would reset the sound. #WTF #whydidnoneoftheusualfixeswork #DAMNYOUTECHNOLOGY
Struggle #2 - Game of Thrones was on Sunday. Right after the above issue began. So, since watching it without sound would be pointless, I couldn't watch. And apparently SO MUCH HAPPENED! I now have to basically avoid half my friends and all of social media to avoid spoilers #itstheTVsfault #ragedoesntbegintocoverit #whatwillievendo
Struggle #3 - I cannot seem to get my ass back in gear. My
injury literally knocked me
off my feet for 6 weeks, and then there's been recovery (which is still continuing), but I can't seem to get my butt active again. The most I've done is yoga and walking. Part of it is my concern for re-injuring myself, seriously I am PETRIFIED. Part of it is I'm just lazy and it's hard to start from scratch after you were immobile for over a month. But it's starting to show around the mid section and I NEED to get going on it. Any tips for getting motivated? #weddingseasoniscoming #swimsuitseasontoo

Struggle #4 - I can't decide what to do with this space. A huge part of me wants to take a break. A full month - say May - to really reflect and decided if I want to continue it. But then I freak out about letting this little baby link up die. I've been so proud of how many links we get (few but mighty!) and I know a month off will only kill any growth we have. At the same time though, I'm not taking care of those wonderful link-uppers or commenting, so maybe it's for the best. Seriously WHAT DO I DO? #almostintearsoverthis #bloggerloveisreal #overwhelmedwithlifethough
What do you do when you are on the struggle bus? I think a beer is calling my name #drinkawaytheblues
Happy humpday friends. Link up!