First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
- Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want!
- Grab the button and include it in your post
- Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
- Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
- Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
- Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag
Alright, let's do this thing.
First off, I did finish my half marathon this weekend. More on that tomorrow.
Ok, now to the oozing.
After above mentioned half marathon I was a little loopy the rest of the weekend to say the least, or at least that's what I'm blaming this on. That, or my over-developed competitive nature #imustwineverything #giveit110% #nosuchthingasgoingtoofar
Sunday night, I had my usual co-ed softball game, during the eclipse which was badass (but that's neither here nor there). After a decent hit and two runners batted in, I was rounding first, and got about half way to second, also known as the point of no return #ohshithesgonnathrowmeout
So naturally the competitive, loopy me went for it, hard into second base, and slid (with good technique mind you) right into the tag #fuckimout #atleasttwopeoplescored
The issue with this (besides being out?)?? I had on little running shorts, no sliders and no other protective gear #yeahthatwasdumb #whatwasithinking #iwasntthinking
Insert road rash. And bruising. And all the hurts. No, seriously, this was the worst pain I have experienced in a long, long time. I did my best to be a badass and didn't even rinse it out or whine about it the rest of the game #butimighthavebeenlimping #nopainnogain
I got home and cleaned it out and iced my ass cheek. That's a new form of classy, let me tell you #assicing #dowhatyougottado
To put this in perspective (and to not gross you out with a photo, which I have, if you wanna see it) I have a huge scrape on my right ass cheek/thigh, the size of my face. As well as some on my right shin #roadrash #asbigasmyface #fml
Monday I was all set to take a sick day because hello, how the hell am I supposed to sit on this pain in my ass for 8 hours? Instead, the BF gave me all the grief and told me to grow up and get to work #getsomestrawsandsuckitup
So I did. And guess what was happening about an hour into work? My booboo was OOZING through my leggings. Yes I wore leggings because real pants = ouch at this point. The scab was litterally spotting through my charcoal leggings. I know what you're thinking - why didn't you cover it up? Because who has bandages the size of their face at home?! #NOONEITELLYOU #plusiwasntgoingtogotoworkremember
At lunch I drove to Walgreens and bought some bandages and copious amounts of ibuprofen. #problemsolvedsortof #atthispointimsooverit
But seriously, I should have just taken Monday off. This shit is too much to deal with this week. Oh, and yes, it's STILL oozing #maybeishouldseeadoctor #butaintnobodygottimeforthat
And that's the really long story about the road rash on my butt. #yourewelcome
Happy Humpday friends. Send me and my ass good vibes would ya?
Alright, let's do this thing.
First off, I did finish my half marathon this weekend. More on that tomorrow.
Ok, now to the oozing.
After above mentioned half marathon I was a little loopy the rest of the weekend to say the least, or at least that's what I'm blaming this on. That, or my over-developed competitive nature #imustwineverything #giveit110% #nosuchthingasgoingtoofar
Sunday night, I had my usual co-ed softball game, during the eclipse which was badass (but that's neither here nor there). After a decent hit and two runners batted in, I was rounding first, and got about half way to second, also known as the point of no return #ohshithesgonnathrowmeout
So naturally the competitive, loopy me went for it, hard into second base, and slid (with good technique mind you) right into the tag #fuckimout #atleasttwopeoplescored
The issue with this (besides being out?)?? I had on little running shorts, no sliders and no other protective gear #yeahthatwasdumb #whatwasithinking #iwasntthinking
Insert road rash. And bruising. And all the hurts. No, seriously, this was the worst pain I have experienced in a long, long time. I did my best to be a badass and didn't even rinse it out or whine about it the rest of the game #butimighthavebeenlimping #nopainnogain
I got home and cleaned it out and iced my ass cheek. That's a new form of classy, let me tell you #assicing #dowhatyougottado
To put this in perspective (and to not gross you out with a photo, which I have, if you wanna see it) I have a huge scrape on my right ass cheek/thigh, the size of my face. As well as some on my right shin #roadrash #asbigasmyface #fml
Monday I was all set to take a sick day because hello, how the hell am I supposed to sit on this pain in my ass for 8 hours? Instead, the BF gave me all the grief and told me to grow up and get to work #getsomestrawsandsuckitup
So I did. And guess what was happening about an hour into work? My booboo was OOZING through my leggings. Yes I wore leggings because real pants = ouch at this point. The scab was litterally spotting through my charcoal leggings. I know what you're thinking - why didn't you cover it up? Because who has bandages the size of their face at home?! #NOONEITELLYOU #plusiwasntgoingtogotoworkremember
At lunch I drove to Walgreens and bought some bandages and copious amounts of ibuprofen. #problemsolvedsortof #atthispointimsooverit
But seriously, I should have just taken Monday off. This shit is too much to deal with this week. Oh, and yes, it's STILL oozing #maybeishouldseeadoctor #butaintnobodygottimeforthat
And that's the really long story about the road rash on my butt. #yourewelcome
Happy Humpday friends. Send me and my ass good vibes would ya?