True life: I’m addicted to shoes
I’ve always been that girl who has a lot of shoes. It’s one
of those things everyone who’s close to me knows about. It’s something those
even closer to me understand is an addiction. I have a whole
Pinterest board in which I pine over all things glorious in shoe land as well...
My mom once told me a shoe store to me was like a bar
to an alcoholic.
Here’s the thing - I can always seem to justify a shoe
First off, I don’t have expensive shoes. I don’t go to
Nordstrom or Dillards to buy designer shoes, most of mine are Payless or some
other discount store. The only shoes I have that are over $40 are typically my
running shoes (and even those I sometimes find on clearance). So I can always
justify the fact that I can have MORE shoes because I spend LESS on each pair…
makes sense right? Plus, if I love a pair of shoes, I’ll wear the crap out of
them – so they are worth it (evidence to follow)!
Secondly, shoes always fit. Shoes always look good. When you
struggle with your weight or are big chested like me, there are lots of times
clothes don’t fit or don’t look good. Shoes aren’t like that – they come in a
size that will fit and they make your foot look better rather than worse (most
times) unlike clothing. Going up a size in a shoe doesn’t bother me the way
going up a size in a pair of jeans would.
Third, shoes have personality. You can define yourself with
a good pair of shoes. Maybe I’m calling myself cheap with that statement since
I said I buy cheap shoes… but a cute pair of shoes says something about you. A
statement color or interesting texture in a shoe adds appeal to a boring
outfit. And again if nothing fits but a black top and jeans – shoes are there
for you to make you feel better about yourself.
Lastly, life is short, buy the damn shoes.
By the way if you haven't tried JustFab you should - cute shoes and purses for cheap! |
Ok so where am I going with all this?
I have never found a reason to justify a shoe count. I’ve always
wanted to know what the total was and I finally found a reason to.
When I found out a friend was collecting shoes for a
philanthropy project to help children I knew I needed to step up to the plate.
I had a huge tub of shoes in the garage that hadn’t been touched since I moved
in (over a year ago!) so obviously I could part with them. This was easier said
than done.
Shoes to be donated |
But I knew I should COUNT before I divided up the ones to be sent
off. And I did.
I have had 98 pairs of shoes.
Impressive? Yes, but I was
hoping I was going to break the 100 mark.
I donated 21 pairs to my friend
who is collecting shoes for Dando Amor.
Shoes to be donated... and Gunner's ball is in there |
I sold 2 pairs to a consignment shop and I have 5 more pairs
I plan to sell when they are more in season.
That leaves me with only 70 pairs left in my closet.
The closet after the purge |
Let me introduce you to a few pairs that got to stick
My two favorite pairs of sandals – note how worn these are,
I get my money’s worth!
Eddy Bauer old (outlet mall) and Steve Madden Girl (Ross) |
My go-to black wedges for summertime
My Italian leather suede heels, purchased in Florence
Italy - GO THERE |
My favorite pair of black flats to wear to work – hello sparkly loafers
My favorite pair (one of many) of tennis/running shoes
Discount Nike Shop | here |
I think with all this shoe purging I deserve a new pair...or two...
What do you think?