March 31, 2015

Birthday Weekend Recap & #4WeeksFit

Post volleyball game, birthday celebration!

It's funny how every year your birthday evolves over time. I remember the days of themed birthday parties so amazingly put together by my mother--like my favorite Wizard of Oz party complete with balloon rainbow, yellow brick road through the whole house and red glittery slipper invitations.

Those were the days.

And yet each year I'm surprised by the love, happiness and joy that comes from that day we all use to count our age.

This year was no exception and I had a beyond wonderful birthday weekend!

We kicked it off with date night Thursday at our favorite spot, since I decided to take Friday off. I thought about taking Monday off (the actual birthday) but that would have just left me at home by myself for the day. At least Friday the BF would be home.

My birthday volcano at Kyoto Japanese Steakhouse

Friday morning I went to boot camp, then had lunch with the BF's parents and spent the afternoon getting a mani-pedi and sipping on a Starbucks. 

That evening I met with two girlfriends for drinks on the patio at one of our usual bars since it was so incredibly nice out. Conversation was great and I ended up seeing a few other friends over the course of the night and getting several happy birthday wishes.

Saturday I took Ted to his one year check up and then we got ready for our afternoon activity, Treefort Music Fest.

I had never been to Treefort, but it is a music festival put on for a week in spring in down town Boise at several locations, bars and outdoor stages. I knew the music was "Indie/Alternative" and I kind of went knowing I might not like the music. The day was just meant to go hang out with great friends, drink a little and enjoy the sunshine.

Never have I underestimated an event so much. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! The music was phenomenal, they had a beer fest (my favorite) called AleFort, and a food truck rally! It was my happy place.

We rocked to three amazing main stage concerts, wandered in and out of AleFort and gorged on all sorts of food truck food. I can't believe I have never been to this event before. I WILL be going next year and I hope its around my birthday!

The BF was extra incredible that day making sure I got everything I wanted at Treefort because "it's your birthday," including beer tokens, T-shirts and lots of dancing and smooches. I'm one lucky girl.

Sunday started with brunch with friends, a long dog walk and some me time before my hot stone massage. I spent the evening with my parents for my birthday dinner and gifts from them. It was the perfect end to the weekend.

It's go big or go home when it comes to birthday burgers at my parents' house!
Technically though, my birthday was Monday, and I got even more love that day. Social media and phones make it a little overwhelming sometimes! Plus I was so, so, overjoyed the special treatment of two of my good friends who made it a point to treat me Monday night with flowers, special beer and a birthday cake specialized for me (with my favorite candy). Sometimes people just know exactly how to make you happy and I am so grateful to have had them that night with the BF being out of town.

Peanut M&M peanut butter chocolate blondies - yes you read right!!! NOM
As you can tell by the birthday recap I hopped ship from #4WeeksFit for the long weekend. I have no regrets. BIRTHDAY TREAT YO' SELF! I plan to get back on the wagon when all my treats are gone this week.

Before the birthday weekend I was doing so well though!

I haven't weighed myself or been stringent on measurements, but I have done the following:
  • Done at least 3 boot camp classes per week, plus 2 other "active" days (that's 100% better than before!)
  • Stayed on track with food choices/MyFitnessPal all but one day a week
  • Drank 100+ ounces of water a day

Just those three things make such a difference. I think I am on the right track and although I can't see a major change, I know I'm going to get there if I keep on trucking! Once I finish my last two weeks of Warrior Fit I will do a more in depth review.

Love, Fun & football

Holy long post... just so much to share today! Thanks to those of you who stuck through it!

Don't forget to link up tomorrow for #hashtaghumpday with me and Lauren!

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March 30, 2015

27 things I have learned in 27 years

Hi there!
Tuning in today to give you the obligatory/cliche birthday post. What is even more fun about birthdays? Coming into work to find out the company website you manage has been hacked by Islamic terrorist hackers. Real cool world, real cool.
Regardless, it is my birthday and I'm going to make the best of it. Cross your fingers for me and my hosting service - may we be please be in the clear by the end of the day.
Happy belated birthday to my beautiful grandmother. I miss you, always.
It's a little strange for me to say I have been alive for 27 years. TWENTY SEVEN. That number even 5 or 6 years ago would have been unfathomable.
I  will say though, that the mid-late 20's provides you a lot of insight into yourself, and into life.

So here are 27 things I have learned in my 27 glorious years:
  1. Laughing is the best medicine
  2. A night well spent can be on your own couch
  3. A Mani-Pedi is always worth the money (treat yo' self!)
  4. Drink good beer (or add orange juice to the cheap stuff)
  5. My dog is the best investment I ever made
  6. It's ok to put yourself first
  7. Saving money is hard
  8. Treasure the people who treasure you, don't waste time on those who don't
  9. Fresh cut flowers make everything better
  10. It's human to have cheat days (or weeks)
  11. Hitting snooze will always be ok
  12. The DVR is possibly the best invention of all time
  13. Have a hobby (or 2 or 3) and do it often
  14. Working out actually does make you feel better
  15. Having a car payment sucks
  16. Travel as often as you can
  17. Sometimes a girls night is necessary
  18. Target trips need to include popcorn
  19. There's no such thing as too many shoes/swimsuits/purses
  20. It's ok to flaunt a good hair day
  21. You don't have to shower every day (don't think I'm gross please)
  22. Hanging with your parents is not un-cool, it's awesome
  23. Life is short, buy the shoes
  24. When in doubt call, don't text
  25. Caffeine is a necessary evil
  26. There's not a lot better than live music/concerts (especially outdoors)
  27. You control your own happiness
Do you have a life lesson I need to add? I feel like my list could be stronger..

Happy Monday lovers!

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March 27, 2015

Marching through Instagram

We are coming to the close of March (and birthday month) and I felt the need to look back on my favorite month of the year. 
March always means the promise of spring. This year was no exception, in fact it was probably the most beautiful March we have had here in a long time.
It was one of those months that seemed to crawl by, but then was over too soon. Does anyone else experience that?
Here are my favorite shots from this month via my Instagram. Feel free to follow along (shameless plug)

From left to right, top to bottom...
  1.  A veggie and fruit-ful salad full of color to kick off spring
  2. The lone tulip that emerged from my round 2 of forcing bulbs
  3. Ted curled up in the bed he barely still fits in
  4. Saturday selfie with new lipstick
  5. Gunner and me in the school yard enjoying some sunshine
  6. Honey Siracha turkey meatballs with zoodles
  7. Green beer on Saint Patrick's Day
  8. Wall licking giraffe from my sister day trip to the zoo
  9. Gorgeous crocuses in my mom's front planters
  10. Two sleepy fur kids
  11. The spring blossoms I just had to bring into the house
  12. My best bud and his immense excitement about 2 balls
Happy Friday Loves! On to birthday weekend for me!
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March 26, 2015

What Pet Parents Should Know

It's no secret here that I am an obsessive fur-baby mom, with both Gunner and Ted. Keeping them well fed and happy is usually more of a priority than it is for myself.

That's why I am so, so glad I have found! I read about it on Stephanie's blog and on Elizabeth's, so naturally I took a look.

The first thing that intrigued me is scheduled food delivery! Since we get the "good stuff" for our pets, you can't just get it at the grocery store or Costco so I have to make a separate trip to the pet store. If you are anything like me, you'll do anything to skip a step when it comes to feeding your family. solves that problem with food, treats and more delivered right to your door! Even scheduled out so you don't have to think about it!

Click. Click. Done.

Best thing ever.

Plus, the great people at reached out to me and my fur-babies for some testing and review purposes. We all were sooooo excited to receive our first package!

This month we received Halo Liv-a-Littles Wild Salmon treats. They are freeze-dried and 100% natural so I can give these goodies without worrying about my boys. Saying they were a huge hit is an understatement.
Plus each of the kiddos received a little toy. Gunner was practically losing it over the plush carrot that was sent. But I made him sit like a good boy before he got to play with it.

Ted was especially fond of the treats, and kept trying to knock the container off the counter or table or wherever I stored it. 

But Gunner got the last laugh. He apparently couldn't wait for me to get home for another one of these tasty salmon treats, because one night after my workout I came home to this.

They were that good!

Ted was devastated that the treats were gone and proceeded to meow furiously at Gunner the rest of the night and chew on what remained of the plastic.

Shortly after we recieved our treat box I set up an order for dog food. Two days later a 30 lb bag was on my front porch! Plus, when you set up auto-ship (which you can set to whatever schedule you'd like) you get a discount on your order AND free shipping for orders over $49!

I couldn't really get them to sit still next to the dog-food box. But here it is, almost as big as Gunner!

I guess I might need to add some Halo Liv-a-Little Wild Salmon treats to my next shipment!

Pet parents need to know about! Share with your friends and family. They, and their fur-kids will thank you!

Website | Chewy Instagram | Chewy Twitter | Chewy Facebook
(Follow them for cute pet pics!)
Questions about my Chewy experience or what I feed my pets? Let me know, I'm an open book!

Linking up with Joey for Stuff and things!
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March 25, 2015

#HASHTAGHUMPDAY | The one before the Birthday

Oh, hi there.

Sorry I have neglected this little space of mine for a while. I've been a little overwhelmed lately and I'm blaming it all on work and the softball tournament I had this weekend. Spending that two days at the ball field is way less productive than cooking, cleaning and blog prep like a usual weekend. But it was WAY more fun! #theremayhavebeenbeer

So before we start the dishing, let's go say hello to my ever amazing co-host Lauren. Did you see how cute she was yesterday in that Maxi? I mean just stop it! #icanteven

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


Alright here's the truth - I left this till the last minute and I have no desire to stay up late writing it and finding funny gifs #thereisaidit #bloggerstruggle #thisisnotmyweek

This could be because of the stress, lack of blogging and general feeling of being overwhelmed, but this is probably the first year of my entire life I'm not that excited for my birthday. I mean yeah, I like Treat yo' self Month and all, but I'm not feeling a party or big to-do. It's too much work. #someoneplanmeasurpriseparty #getmeinthemood

My birthday is on a Monday #Fthat and the BF is out of town for my birthday, both adding to the above feeling #itsmypartyicancryifiwantto

Also, I'm officially headed for "late" twenties. 27 feels old man, I know it's not, but it feels it to me. Wasn't I just 16? #takemeback #27isthenew22

Gunner just tooted. He's lying on the bed next to me and he just audibly farted #thisismylife #dogfarts

Odds are I'm going to do this whiny #confessions post and turn around and be bouncing off the ceiling with excitement within 24 hours. Don't hate me #imaybebipolar #moodswingsarereal #noimnotpregnant

I think the best birthay's are made  up of gestures, not gifts. Like a little note, flowers or chocolates sent to work, or taking care of things for the birthday-er #hinthintifyouarereading #idontneedmaterialthings #justkiddingineedthosetoo

And it's late, and I'm tired and I'm going to bed #goodnight

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March 20, 2015

Birthday (treat yo' self) Five

I've mentioned a couple times that it's my birthday month. My birthday still isn't here, it's the 30th, and yet I feel the whole month is an excuse to treat myself, because well, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY.

So the spending freeze has gone a little bit out the window. I have treated myself to a few things, and plan on a couple more.
So here are my birthday (treat yo' self) five!
I got this on clearance via a sale they had a few weeks ago. I paid a little under $100 for it, and I know that is a lot, but I use my wallet EVERYDAY so it seems reasonable to me. I had been using the same Fossil wallet for the past 7 years, so it was time for an update! A pretty, bow-clad Kate Spade update!

I ordered these from zulily during one of their TOMS sales. I have been wanting a crochet pair forever and just haven't taken the leap. These bright aqua beauties are going to be perfect for adventuring around DC in May!

Like I have mentioned before I'm trying to figure out this lipstick thing. Many of my bloggy friends recommended this brand so I went for it. While I am truthfully not in love with this color (it's too close to my natural lip color), I am impressed by the stay power! Definitely going to get a brighter color that you can actually see next time.

I have 5 weddings to attend this year so far. So naturally I'm in the market for some new dresses to wear to them! Even though I have plenty at home to choose from, I just couldn't resist this floral number for only $25 especially with that back detail!

Sometimes you just have to spend those birthday bucks your favorite store sends you! So I headed to the LOFT with my $15 off birthday card and purchased this coral button down and matching floral shirt. They are the perfect layers for spring!!! (that's me on the right)

How do you treat yourself during your birthday?

Have a wonderfull weekend! 
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March 19, 2015

Getting Groovy

Ok, so, Kasey put it perfectly that this award feels "super groovy" with the flower button and all. It's partially the reason I'm rolling with it - it's different and I like it.

That being said, I apologize for not following through with some of the other awards I've been nominated for the past few months (like Liebsters and more  Liebsters  and another SOB). Is it OK to be burnt out on them sometimes? It's not that I don't totally appreciate the nomination, I just kind of have to be in the mood - like a groovy mood...

Big shout out to Kasey for the nomination and also to those of you who have given me nominations recently as well like Kati Rose and Mae and Ali and I'm sure there's others. Wow, I'm a really bad blogger now that I list them out... but I love you all really I do!!!

Alright, on to Kasey's questions...
  1. What is the weirdest question you've ever been asked in an interview (job or otherwise, it can't be this question)? For my current job, at my first interview, the first formal question came from our very abrasive campaign adviser and he asked "How do you respond to the word No?" That isn't that weird of an interview question I guess, but it was very pointed and intimidating when it was asked first thing!
  2. If you could only read one book for the rest of ever, what book would you pick? Uh, could this be any tougher? Can I pick a series? That's all one story anyways right? Harry Potter - always.
  3. What is your favorite ever summer memory? Jee whiz one favorite? Well, winning nationals back in high school club softball, visiting Hamilton Pool in Austin during Junior Olympics, watching an amazing lightening storm roll in from Tablerock with James, Fourth of July on Flathead Lake....and many, many, many more. 

  4. Describe yourself using only song titles. (I know that's not a question, just, okay? just be cool. just once.) "I'm pretty good at drinking beer"
  5. If you had $1,000,000 but had to spend it all in one week, what would you do with it? The boring stuff first - pay off my house and car and credit cards. Arrange for contractors to come re-do my fence and landscape my yard and backsplash my kitchen and bathrooms. Then shopping spree at the mall and book a vacation (or 10). If there's any left, buy James a new truck, buy a keg-erator and a few kegs (or a brewery) to go with, a new grill, and then donate the rest!
  6. What is your favorite holiday (religious, birthday, or otherwise) + why? Easter has always been my favorite holiday because it's always near my birthday, it symbolizes the coming of spring (my favorite season) and I LOVE hunting for eggs, dying eggs and chocolate, duh. Plus it is one of the holidays always spent with my extended family and I don't get to see them nearly enough, so Easter is special.
  7. What is one interesting thing that people who read your blog probably don't know about you? I pretty much lay it all out in this space. One thing that's hard to convey, or that I haven't talked a lot about, is that I am a really good friend. I'm extremely loyal and would do almost anything for a friend if asked. I always put others first. With that though, I also get really easily hurt when people I care about don't seem to return the favor. But just know, I'm one of those people you always want on your side, because I'm your go-to girl!
  8. Who is your biggest role model + why? My biggest role model is my mom. I know that is super cliche, but she is an amazing woman. She is among the top in her field of engineering, a field that few women are even a part of, she owns her own business, is constantly helping the community and involved around town, has time to golf and socialize and was the best dang mom for raising two girls anyone could ever ask for. She continues to support me every single day and I am so blessed.  I could only hope to be like her one day!
  9. Who's attending that imaginary dinner party people always ask about? Uh, not really sure about what this is asking, but if I could have anyone over for (imaginary)dinner I kind of lean towards the cast of Avengers - as their characters!
  10. What is your favorite cocktail? I'm more of a beer girl but...on a hot summer day: cucumber vodka in sprite with sliced cucumbers and berries/mint  - in the winter by the fire: Dr. Pepper and Fireball (but actually a dark chocolaty beer) - when I'm feeling cheap: vodka cranberry or rum and diet coke - the morning after drinking: a bloody mary or an orange beer (bro-mosa) - any damn day of the week or year: margarita!
Ok on to nominations and my questions.  

I'm going to cheat a little bit and re-use some past nominations with a couple changes....(lazy ass, party of one)
And answer these, nominate more people, and give them your questions!
  1.  What is the very first thing you do in the morning and the very last thing you do before going to sleep?
  2. What are your favorite boy name & girl name for your future children (I know you have them) or just in general...?
  3. Where's the farthest place you've ever driven to (or road tripped) why did you go and who were you with?
  4. What is the best gift you've ever received?
  5.  If you could see one person or group in a dream concert (alive or dead) who would it be?
  6.  What is one food that just grosses you out?
  7. Has someone close to you lost someone in their family? How did you handle it (this is happening right now to me, help!)
  8. What is your favorite tweet or instagram you've ever shared? Show us the link!
  9.  What is the one purchase you've made on your own that you are most proud of?
  10.  What is your job and where do you work (because I'm nosy like that).

 If you play along send me the link!

Linking up with Joey with my randomness....
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March 18, 2015


Today I'm getting really real here. I'm taking it to the next level with some body/personal confessions. So if you get grossed out or embarrassed about hearing some personal details, go ahead and exit out of this post and come back next week. Because shit's about to get real.

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


Ok good. Now go say hi to my lovely co-host Lauren before we get into this... ok your back? Great, let's go -

Yesterday I went to the dermatologist for the first time in a very long time. Seeing a new doctor is always a joy pain for me because I have to recap all my health history, which is just barrel of fun.  I have a long history of weird skin issues so I got to revisit that and more #walkingskincondition #letsnottalkaboutit #youaren'tmyfirstdoctor

Have you ever had a full skin assessment at the dermatologist? It's something they recommend if you are fair skinned or your family has any history of skin cancer or even malignant moles. Since I have a few questionable dark spots I thought it might be a good idea. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I was naked and there were photographs taken #hopetheydontgetleaked #nudies #Ifeelviolated

A team of two people go over your entire body and measure every single mole, then put a sticker label by that mole and photograph it. Plus the doctor wanted a couple "full" shots of my front and back so we could keep track on new ones #itsnotapartytillyournaked #withstickersalloveryourbody

The good news is none of my gazillion moles are too threatening and she only wants to remove one of them as a precautionary measure. The bad news is that a mole check wasn't the only reason I was there #justwaittheresmore

I've also had a lot of trouble with ingrown hairs down below... which I have confessed before... and it's gotten particularly bad. So I thought she better take a look and give me some feedback. What I was NOT prepared for were two different cultures that were taken. One of one of the sores - not too bad - the other? UP MY NOSE. She stuck a wire thing longer than a pencil up both my nostrils #sherapedmynose #itwasaweful

They are testing for a Staff infection #holyshityuck. The worst part is if I do have it they also have to treat the BF just in case #hesgonnalovethat.

Ok and let's finish this with another, non doctor related confession...

Do you ever have a sudden on-come of needing to go. The kind where you need a bathroom RIGHT NOW or it's gonna get messy? Well Sunday that happened to me while walking Gunner - at the point that is the absolute farthest from our house we could be. It was the worst, most horrible feeling in the whole world and I contemplated going into random businesses or homes to ask if I could use the restroom. The good news is I clenched and made it home ok, even if I did have to run the last two blocks #thatwasacloseone #pleaseneverletthathappenagain #shithappens

Are you thoroughly grossed out by me now? Am I losing followers? Eh, this is the real me people, if you don't like it I'm not going to apologize!

Hope you had a green beer-full Saint Patty's Day!


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