September 26, 2014

E U R O T R I P | Part 2

I have decided that I really want to share my post-grad Eurotrip with blogland. So, WELCOME ABOARD for this very photo-clad  trip down memory lane! (scroll all the way to the end for all the pics!)

Here’s the general overview: After graduation I “back-packed” Europe with two of my best girlfriends as my graduation gift from my parents. We did  8  9 cities in 3 countries over 21 days.

While I could bore you all with the details and places we went every day, we both know that is a painful, unnecessary thing to do.  

Instead I am going to share with you the FUNNIEST parts of our trip. Because really, that’s where/when the memories were made!

Here's Part 1 if you missed it!

Part 2 of E U R O T R I P: European Obsession

There was a reoccurring theme for our whole trip to Europe. That theme was "EVERYONE IS OBSESSED WITH JESSIE."

From the boat owner in Monterosso (more below) to the scarf-clad young man in Florence and even the waiter that would not stop calling her an angel in Rome - the men of Europe were all about Jessie.

It's not hard to understand. With long, dark flowing locks and dark features, she's the European dream (obviously).

For the most part it worked out well for us - free drinks, and lots of free laughs! What was just so remarkable about it was that it was so wide spread. Seriously, we couldn't go anywhere without someone coming on to her! 

That being said, here is my FAVORITE story from our trip. 

In Cinque Terre, Italy we went on the most amazing boat tour along all 5 villages that make up the area.

Angelo, of Angelo’s Boat Tours was our guide and he was the sweetest, roundish, middle-aged Italian gentleman we could have ever imagined.

Pssssst.... that's Angelo!!!!

We saw spectacular views from the water, swam, ate tapas and drank Italian wine and Angelo's personally made Limoncello.

You guys, the water is so clear and bright, it's gorgeous!

It was by far my favorite experience of the whole trip. Cinque Terre is breathtaking. You have probably seen the photos online, but these are my personal photos!!!

At the end of the tour, Jessie went into the office to ask if she could get a print of their promotional posters, which had beautiful original artwork, as a memento. Katie and I waited on the dock as she went in to get it, as Angelo had promised her a framed copy. 

About 10 minutes later she returned, completely drained of color and ill looking. All she could say was “he kissed me….” We both laughed thinking nothing of it. But no, this wasn’t just any kiss. Little old Angelo had basically tongue-raped my unsuspecting friend. He full fledged, French kissed her in return for the poster. 

She was so disturbed that we hid from him the rest of the trip (because we are pretty sure he followed us around that tiny town). In fact, after the whole experience she was so traumatized that she didn’t want the poster any more. I packed that thing all the way home and it now happily hangs in my master bath.

This is what the poster looks like - I didn't get a chance to take a photo of the actual print in my bathroom.
 We also did a hike through all the villages and captured some more amazing photos!

Plleeeeeaaaase take me back there! It was MY FAVORITE destination of all time!

Also you can read PART 3 of Eurotrip!

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  1. Oh my gosh! Angelo! HAHA!!!!!!
    Love the photos! That is such a gorgeous place.

  2. I am so jealous! What a stunning place.

  3. Beautiful pics and oh your poor friend!! I would have been traumatized as well. Gross!!!

  4. That is such a wonderful experience and trip (minus the creepy kiss from the fat middle-aged Italian man)!! The images are astounding - wow that looks so gorgeous!!! :) Have a great weekend Laura! -Iva

  5. Oh my goodness, these photos are incredible! Looks like quite the trip!

  6. Your poor friend - I don't think I'd want the picture after that either!

    Your pictures are so gorgeous! When I went to Italy I was 15 and digital cameras weren't mainstream yet. My disposable cameras (with no zoom...) really didn't make for frame worthy photos. Just another reason I need to get back to Europe one day soon!

  7. I literally read this one and Euro Part 1 and could honest to God not stop laughing. Dying. 😂😂😂 Let's go back!!!
