October 4, 2014

My Favorite Insta-Ever

I decided I need to hop on the bandwagon just a little with #blogtober14. So far I've been boycotting because I just can't fathom blogging every day (sorry it's true) and because I get slightly annoyed when all my favorite bloggers write about the same everything every day.

However I know my resistance was futile because I just love parties too much not to join in. Plus I love Helene and Tay too much not to pop in every now and then. 

So I apologize that I'm not doing every day - sue me... but I have the list and have highlighted several so I will come to class on occasion, just enough so that you don't miss me. Sound good?

Ok now that we got that out of the way on to my favorite Instagram post of all time.
I tell you, this is a hard one. Naturally it had to be of Gunner, because he's the best subject (shortly after Ted).

And since it's fall, and football season, well...this one just is my favorite right now. What's better than a dog watching football? Nothing I tell you. NOTHING.

Find it on Insta
So if you want to see more photos of these cuties follow me on Instagram! I will follow back :)

Ok now off to watch the away game on the big screen at the fancy movie theater in town! Food and drinks included - ah yisssss.

Happy college football Saturday friends!
Helene in Between Blogtober
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  1. haha we write about the same things?! but that's why theres multiple prompts!! haha oh well. I'm glad you joined it!

  2. That kitten image is priceless - Ha, I'll never be a blogger that blogs everyday; not my jam. I have a full time job and my attentions pan is that of a squirrel on most days. I'm happy when I post a decent post once a week. Mission accomplished. I KISS *keep it simple stupid* :) Lovely photos though! Have fun on the link up and have a great weekend Laura! -Iva

  3. How sweet! Our Boston Terrier likes to watch TV too. It's the funniest thing.

  4. oh, what a great photo! i also love the pic of him lying with his head under the couch LOL

    Vodka and Soda
