February 17, 2016

#HASHTAGHUMPDAY | New Job and Stuff

Happy Wednesday! We're half way through the week and more than half way through February. Can I get an Amen on that? I'm ready for spring and summer!

I really shouldn't complain, it's been in the 60s in Idaho which is unheard of this time of year. So really I guess that's spring-ish anyways. Still I could go up a few ticks on the thermometer and wouldn't mind some flowers popping up!

Before we get into it, let me remind you you have a plethora of link ups to confess your face off to every Wednesday. #Hashtaghumpday with my partner in crime Lauren and I of course, Alanna for confessions as well as Plucky in Love, and then Kathy and Nadine! So much humpity-hump-day love! 

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


So for starters be forewarned that I need to gush a little bit...

I am OVER THE MOON EXCITED about my new job. There I said it. It's basically the coolest job in the world other than snuggling with puppies all day. I know there are lots of people who make their living doing nothing but social media, but I didn't really think it was a reality for me. Now I will get paid to spread and share the messages of a product line millions of people love, over social media, for a living #someonepinchme

I still don't know if it's Kosher to share here where I'm working, but if you want to know, comment and I'll shoot you an email. What you should know though is that the perks are killer. Now I'm not talking benefits, those are pretty good too, I'm talking other things. For example $55 in product for your birthday every year, half off everything in their high-end, onsite cafeteria and coffee shops,  and even free unlimited access to an onsite gym that has classes from yoga to crossfit #ifonlyihadaleg #idbekillingitatthegymalready #somuchfreestuff!

The other thing I'm overly excited about is the company's stance on giving back. Every month there is a service project (or two) you can be a part of, if you volunteer on your own time they will pay out your hours to the charity of your choice, and they offer pay-it-forward programs ($10 each to thousands of employees) each year to spread in their communities #ineedtostepupmyhelpinggame #andnowitspartofmyjob #givingbackisthebest

I've been downloaded now from my team leader and I have to admit it left my head spinning. We are basically re-launching and re-branding on all their platforms over the next year, which is overwhelming. Still I was so excited and happy for this opportunity I was nearly in tears as I drove home last night #happytearsarethebest #mightbeoverwhelmedtearstoo

The one downside of course is that my once open-ish days at my old job for blogging are long gone, so posts may be fewer and farther between around here. Maybe this will be the push I needed to actually create a blogging calendar and schedule #dontholdyourbreath #crazierthingshavehappened

And I'd like to say I'm sorry for this brag-assy post but #sorrynotsorry

Happy Humpday all! Link up why don't ya?

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  1. Congrats on the job and the enjoy the perks! I work for a public school system where there are, sadly, no perks... Enjoy them to the fullest!

  2. yay for the new job! it's the best when you work at a place you love :)

  3. ahhhhhhhhhh your new job sounds KILLER. I'm a little #jealouspants over here! I'm so excited for you!!

  4. YAY NEW JOB!!! I'm so happy for you! I understand absolutely loving the company you work for. I'm not sure I've ever actually complained about my Company.. maybe some of my coworkers, but Company is amazing.

  5. Awwww, I'm so glad you're so happy! (And I'm glad you told me where you're working in an email because it's much easier to follow along. Haha!) My husband actually just ordered something from there for his new office! Ha! I love the giving-back program!

  6. Oh yeah - I gotta know where you're working - it sounds amazing!
    Good for you finding a place you enjoy so much! That's a dream for most people!

  7. I love places with strong commitments to giving back to the community.

    It's awesome to be working for a place you're excited about! I have to know where it is please!

  8. WooHooo! I'm glad yo love your new job! When I left one job a few years ago, I had the super excited, yet WTF did I just do feeling until the first week or so then all I could think was YAY!

  9. I am so happy for you!!! I am also totally jealous in the nicest possible way. I love my job but social media ll the live long day... that's dreamland! Good luck with the blogging schedule! Don't stress!

  10. Don't apologize for being braggy. Brag all you want. It's an awesome thing to brag about! Congrats on the New job! So happy for you ♥

  11. That all sounds amazing! It is really great when companies take care of their employees that is how they get people who love their job! I'd love to know what company it is!

  12. I’m right there with you—it’s been in the 60’s and even 70’s here in Northern California, but I’m ready for the flowers to bloom and it to officially be spring!

    SO HAPPY FOR YOU THAT YOU LOVE YOUR NEW JOB! I totally get it (sounds like we’re actually doing a similar job haha) and that is so so so awesome. Congrats!!! Although I admit, your perks sound a hell of a lot better than mine (there’s these mysterious multi million dollar contracts that are supposedly changing that soon… apparently)

    Can’t wait to hear more about your new career adventures, and totally understandable that you won’t have as much time to blog. Congrats again!

  13. I'm so glad to hear that you really like your new job. I am intrigued about this company...do they need a gal from Wisconsin?! Ha!

  14. Good for you girlfriend- shout it from the rooftops!! :) SO awesome to be working for a place that is fun, gives back and you're excited about!

  15. the last gif is my favourite :) glad to hear you like your new job, it sounds amazing!

  16. Ok, now I'm super curious where you are working! The perks sound amazing! :) I'm glad you are loving it already!

  17. Yep. I gotta know where you're working. I don't dish on my site where I work either. (or at least, I've tried really hard not to....)

  18. Ahhh that is amazing!!! I am so happy for you! I had absolutely no idea they were headquartered in Idaho until now. (I mean, I guess I never thought about where they were headquartered but it's semi-close to here so it's crazy!) So jealous of the free awesome gym!!!

  19. Love this! I'm so glad that it's turning out to be such an awesome experience for you! I knew you'd be able to rock it! :)

  20. I am so happy for you that you found something you love!!!! Your job and perks sound incredible. Can I come work with you? I think I could deal with some snow and cold ;)

  21. Congrats on the new job! That is so awesome about their benefits & the charities. It's nice to work for a company that treats their employees well. :)

  22. Such great news about your new job! THat's awesome!! I am jealous of your weather. It was 30 here today and it felt like summertime after the weather we've had!

  23. Eek I'm so so glad you are loving the new job!! I totally want to know what company you are working for and want to know how I can somehow be your assistant and get these same awesome perks!!! I'm with ya on being totally ready for warmer temps and blooming flowers already!!

  24. YAY for the new job, super glad you are enjoying it! I'd love to know the deets :)!

  25. Sounds like you're super happy with this change, that's awesome, especially if it's something you love and enjoy. I gotta know, where?? Shoot me an email sista.

    Ugh, I'm insistent summer get here pronto. It's -15 Celsius here this morning!!!

  26. Well I am super jealous of your new awesome job! (Dying to know what it is...) I am glad that you are so happy with it as well!

  27. It's so cool that you're this excited about your new job! Congrats on getting such a cool gig! The weather here has been mostly good for this time of year too, but I can't wait until Spring is officially here.

  28. I found here, the delineation of what we call wonderful.
