June 19, 2014

My 9 to 5

Have you heard about this #9to5TotalSocial link up?

The most fabulous way for all us bloggers to creep on hear what we all do for a living other than blogging? Because I'm totally on board.
Helene in Between
Thank you to the hosts and Helene in Between and Venus Trapped in Mars!

I'm a little late into the game. I sat out a few innings so I could read what all these other super bloggers do for their "real" job, alongside being mommies and wives and such. It makes my life seem sort of sad and un-busy comparatively, but I can promise you, it isn't.

Outside being a mom to by fur-babies, a girlfriend, a home owner and house cleaner, gardener and weed puller, meal planner and personal chef and wanna be blogger, I have a real job.

I work for a county fair. Yes a FAIR, with rides, fried food, concerts and barn animals. Our fair is held the for four days toward the end of July (holy hell it’s almost here), and we also hold a New Year’s Eve Rodeo. I am the marketing and sponsorship coordinator for both events.

The first question I always get is “that’s a year round job?”

Yes it is. Most people don’t realize all that goes into a Fair. It’s not just something you throw together in June and have in July. It takes careful planning, thousands of dollars in sponsorship and media money, and a strong marketing plan to get people to attend.

I started this job in November and I have yet to attend my own Fair. Prior to this position I was working at an advertising agency. That agency did the marketing for another larger fair in the area and through that connection I fell in love with the "fair world". I LOVED my agency job, but there was no room to grow there. I had been in the same position for two and half years and nothing above me seemed likely to open up. My boss actually told me about this opportunity and suggested I go for it. She was my strongest reference. 

Some days I really miss the agency, but getting to make my own choices and have “ownership” of my own event and marketing plans really feels amazing. I have stepped out of my comfort zone and grown so much in the past few months. Now I just need the Fair to happen so I can be even more passionate about it!

My responsibilities include:
     ~ Raising all sponsorship funds
     ~ Sponsor relations and contract fulfillment
     ~ Marketing and advertising planning
     Media planning and buying
     Coordinating media promotions
     ~ Copy writing and designing of marketing materials (some are outsourced)
     ~ Website maintenance and updates
     Social media marketing and contesting
     ~ Onsite media coordination and news
     Fair public relations
     ~ Assistance with the fundraising campaign (we’re working towards a new Fairgrounds!)

On any given day in the office you will find me answering and sending emails to sponsors and the media, updating the website and switching back and forth to my Mac so I can do design work. During the Fair you will find me running around on a golf cart making sure sponsor banners are hung appropriately, the news station has something to cover and the live radio broadcast is going smoothly.

Yesterday's office conversations included things like chicken wrestling, knife throwing and ticket counts to give radio stations. Yeah - this is my job.
Oh and did I mention we have concerts? This year I might pop back stage to see David Nail or Josh Turner! (yes you can be jealous).

What’s your 9 to 5? Link up so I can read all about it!


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  1. How neat that you work for a county fair! It's not an easy job. I've always volunteered at our local county fair, but ours is going down the drain real fast. I don't think we will have it this year and it sucks. Our rodeo is still going strong though!

  2. That is a different job! I bet it is stressful and especially all of July! Excited for pictures.
