July 28, 2014

I survived the Fair

I’m alive!!!

Ok – I know no one was really concerned about that, but you know, just in case.

I have officially survived my first Fair at my new job. It was a grueling, long, 90 hour week.

It was also one of the best weeks of my life.

As part of my job I was backstage at two country concerts, had 3 TV interviews, drove around a personal golf cart, judged a pie contest, dominated a watermelon eating contest, rode in a helicopter and sprinted with a dolly loaded of beer through a packed Fairgrounds. Needless to say there was never a dull moment.

I can honestly say I feel like I have one of the coolest jobs ever. Yes, there was a lot of not so fun things too – my professional photographer cussing out a teenager, sponsors flipping out when their signs got covered and news stations that were less than accommodating when it came to letting me know they were on their way. But I made it. And the Fair was a HUGE success.

I don’t really feel like this morning is real – that the Fair is really over and now we have to start the whole process over again. All I know is I can’t wait till next Fair and the whirlwind of 4 crazy days that come with the Fair I am now, officially in love with.

Can’t wait to get caught up with all you lovelies!

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  1. Sounds so fun! But I hate that you have to start planning next year's with no time to recover - story of my life!

  2. I love that you love your job--that's so cool!
