Happy humpday amigas. It's almost Derby weekend and almost Cinco de Mayo! Are you celebrating? We might go camping - totally non-related haha.
Anyhooooo... onto your regularly programed messaging. #hashtaghumpday with me and my co-host Lauren! Go give her some love and say I sent ya, would ya?
First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
- Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want!
- Grab the button and include it in your post
- Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
- Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
- Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
- Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag
I'm writing this in the midst of a heart attack, or a panic attack, or maybe an anxiety attack? I don't like calling people I don't know PERIOD. I just left two voice-mails (yeah I didn't even talk to actual people) and I'm hyperventilating. Because calling people to see if they will give your business money is the worst. So sponsorship sales isn't my thing #isuckatmyjob #ineedahug #andapaperbag
Because I have such strong anxiety over making those calls I have procrastinated them all the way till this month when I should have been making them in February. This creates even more anxiety and stress because I'm constantly worried I can't actually make it happen. It eats away at me 24/7 that I am failing at my job #imamess #basicallyimscrewed #lastminutealways
So I sit in my office almost in tears because I am so petrified to make calls and yet I can't get my job done without making them. Yes I can email, but it doesn't have the same appeal/first impression. I literally feel sick just thinking about it #pleasedontmakeme
The only good news is once I do pick up the phone and start talking I sound fine and professional. Basically I must black out completely with fear and somehow manage to be articulate #atleasttheresthat #everyonelovesmyphonevoice #concealdontfeel
Why can't everyone just want to sponsor the fair and call me begging to be here? I mean if they were to call here it's a whole different story. I'd sell the pants off them! #itcouldhappenright? Please just tell me everything will be ok #noreallyineedsomereassurance
In the mean time I'll be in my office with no windows trying not to kill myself and working on other more fun things (like marketing) instead of making any money for us to actually market ourselves with. Or I'll just take a nap #priorities #assbackwards #andidontcare
Any pointers for making solicitation calls??? Maybe a stiff drink before? #boozeisalwaystheanswer

I'm writing this in the midst of a heart attack, or a panic attack, or maybe an anxiety attack? I don't like calling people I don't know PERIOD. I just left two voice-mails (yeah I didn't even talk to actual people) and I'm hyperventilating. Because calling people to see if they will give your business money is the worst. So sponsorship sales isn't my thing #isuckatmyjob #ineedahug #andapaperbag
Because I have such strong anxiety over making those calls I have procrastinated them all the way till this month when I should have been making them in February. This creates even more anxiety and stress because I'm constantly worried I can't actually make it happen. It eats away at me 24/7 that I am failing at my job #imamess #basicallyimscrewed #lastminutealways
So I sit in my office almost in tears because I am so petrified to make calls and yet I can't get my job done without making them. Yes I can email, but it doesn't have the same appeal/first impression. I literally feel sick just thinking about it #pleasedontmakeme
The only good news is once I do pick up the phone and start talking I sound fine and professional. Basically I must black out completely with fear and somehow manage to be articulate #atleasttheresthat #everyonelovesmyphonevoice #concealdontfeel
Why can't everyone just want to sponsor the fair and call me begging to be here? I mean if they were to call here it's a whole different story. I'd sell the pants off them! #itcouldhappenright? Please just tell me everything will be ok #noreallyineedsomereassurance
In the mean time I'll be in my office with no windows trying not to kill myself and working on other more fun things (like marketing) instead of making any money for us to actually market ourselves with. Or I'll just take a nap #priorities #assbackwards #andidontcare
Any pointers for making solicitation calls??? Maybe a stiff drink before? #boozeisalwaystheanswer

I hate making calls like that as well! I don't blame you one bit! I am kind of wishing it wasn't Derby time...I hate the traffic it brings and I guess I am just one of those people that would rather celebrate Cinco De Mayo anyway. :) Best of Luck on those calls girl! you can do it!
ReplyDeleteI suck at talking to people on the phone. Even people I know. haha. I get super awkward.
ReplyDeleteI’m terrible at making calls too! I get super nervous and then my words are all jumbled. The worst is when you finally get the nerve to call someone and the connection sucks so you can barely hear anything… so you’re constantly either guessing what they just said or keep asking “what??”
ReplyDeletePhone calls were always the worst part of my job, especially when I had to call doctor's offices. The staff did not like to talk to me and I'm awkward enough.
ReplyDeleteUgh I'm the same way. I wrote a whole post on this once! Calling strangers is the worst!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteHaha. Oh girl. I was the same way. Then I had to make a lot of calls for work and I kind of got over the anxiety part. The more I made, the better I felt about it. It's still not fun, though. ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd i'm with you--why can't people just beg to sponsor their local fairs?!
I normally don't mind making cold calls mainly because I've had to do them so often for years (event planning whoo) but every time I pick up the phone and start dialing the number my stomach plummets and I get a quick flash of nervousness. Most people are lovely, but what if they aren't? I hope you get through your calls fast and can get back to the more fun stuff.
ReplyDeleteOh girl, I so get this! I HATE talking on the phone, especially calls like that! It sounds like you're really good at it though, way to go for pushing through the fear! You can do it!! :)
ReplyDeleteI hate doing it.
ReplyDeleteBut just think - the worst they can say is no. And it's nothing personal if they do. On to the next. Try to take yourself out of it and then it'll be easier.
Ha! I hate calling people too. I spazz out everytime
ReplyDeleteBooze is definitely always the answer! I avoid making phone calls at my job at all costs.
ReplyDeletea stiff drink FO'SHO. Also I like to give myself little rewards. like "kasey, if you call ten people, you can have this candy!" and "kasey, if you call for three solid hours today, you can have margaritas + queso for dinner!"'
ReplyDeletethey're still the worst, but then I get prizes at the end!
Ugh, making phone calls is the worst! I had anxiety as a kid, but one time gathered all my courage to call my friend's house. Her mom picked up the phone and snapped at me for calling at a bad time because she was having some people over from church. So yeah... that basicly screwed me up for life.
ReplyDeleteI never enjoy them, but I make a ton of outbound calls in my job so I'm used to them for the most part. I have to follow up with people who had a crappy experience at our stadium (ugh) or call and remind them their invoice is past-due, so never fun topics but I just hammer out the calls and get them over with. That's my 'tip' ... just start plowing through the list of people you need to call bc the sooner you're done, the sooner you can relax! :)
ReplyDeleteUgh I feel ya. I have to do collections at my afternoon job and I just pray for a voicemail so i don't have to talk to people.
ReplyDeleteUghhh phone calls are the worst part of my job too. I can't imagine actually having to ask for money though! That would be worse!! I spend my days on the phone with rude people that I rely on to get information from to complete my job. Sometimes they give it to me...sometimes they dont. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteThis is my least favorite part of my job. I have anxiety already but after I make these calls it looks like I just went to the gym from how hard I'm sweating. I hate hate hate doing this. More power to you for getting it done!
ReplyDeleteShould booze ever turn out NOT to be the answer, know that Girl Scout cookies are a solid backup plan.
ReplyDeleteI like making calls to people. I always ask about how their doing and what's going on, which seems to put them at ease and it feels like a convo with friends. Other than that, I hate talking to people in general.
ReplyDeleteI feel for ya girl! I hate talking on the phone, period. So I always procrastinate on making calls. And sometimes I won't even answer when I get a call.
ReplyDeleteBooze is always the answer, and so is Karen Walker. Well done with that last one. Well done!
ReplyDeleteBooze, yes. That does it for me. I have to make outbound calls all day at work, but I have appointments set up with these folks, so they (usually) are nice on the other end. I say scream it out first, get all that energy out, and then when you actually make the calls, you'll be too tired to really be worried. Could work, right?
ReplyDeleteSeriously, though - you are a rockstar and I'm so impressed you can sell to people. I have a hard time at that. You'll be awesome!
I hate making calls. Seriously HATE IT. Yet I always worked a job where I was put on the phones. People tell me I have a really nice phone voice...which is all well and good if it didn't send me into a spiral of panic every time I had to dial....