October 23, 2015

Friday Faves and Pushing Buttons

Happy Friday! Yay!

Let's do the standard Oh Hey Friday, Friday Faves thing shall we? I mean I'm kind of burnt out on original content this week, or that could be my pending pregnancy talking. It fries your brain, let me tell ya.

1 | The Back to the Future stuff this week was amazing. I mean, I loved all the police "reports" of catching the DeLorean and a 17 year old with a licence that was 50 years expired. And all the lists of the things the movie did get right. It had me reminiscing about back in the day for me, and I found THIS and all the wonderful things Snapchat would have captured back in the 90s.

source (hehe - Laura's number, that's me!)

Source (you know you did this and remember MASH?)

2 | I did it. I took the leap and signed up for Helene's Quit Your Job to Blog course! Yippee skippy! It's been on my wish list since she first announced it during her Get Noticed Now Webinar. I have nothing but grrrreaat things to say about Helene and her courses. I also purchased her Instagram for Success webinar and since that date (Sept. 16) I have OVER 100 new followers and went from averaging about 30 likes per post to over 60 likes per post! That may not seem like a lot but for my little Insta account, it was huge! If you love blogging, why not make the most of it? Take the course with me! 

Quit your Job to Blog e-course by Helene In Between
Sign up for Quit your Job to Blog

3 | Fall. I know this is a total cop-out, but this week we have had the most splendid fall weather. Yes I just said splendid because that's exactly what it has been. High 60's and sunshine with a slight breeze rustling through all the fall color. It makes me actually want to walk the dog when I get home from work. I think I have a smile permanently adhered to my face while I'm outside around this time of year and I'm not sad about it.

4 | Kittens in Costumes Video. My local humane society knows there stuff. I mean how could you not want to drive yourself over there right this second for one of these cuties?! Let's hope I can resist, otherwise Gunner and Ted might have a little costume-clad new baby brother or sister.

Kitten playtime
These crazy kittens are among the many cats available on our adoption floor right now. Consider dropping by for a visit! We are located at 4775 Dorman Street and open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day.
Posted by Idaho Humane Society on Wednesday, October 21, 2015

5 | Pushing my Button(s)! I'm looking for some new ladies (or gents) to feature over there on the side bar! <- See where Kasey and Lauren are hanging out? I want YOU there. Also I want to swap with you and hang out on your space! That's right, I'm pushing button swaps (zero doll-hairs exchanged)! I will also include social media mentions FREE! You can either email me at [email protected] or do it through my sponsor page, which has a button swap included. What do you say? Let's be friends and spread some love!

Onward to the weekend. Huzzah!

Linking up with Karli and Amanda.

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  1. That fall scene looks fantastic! I can't wait for the leaves to start changing here! I am taking Helene's course as well, I love all her stuff. It is so fun to learn different view points on things! Have a great weekend!

  2. Love your fall picture, I agree that fall is SPLENDID!

  3. I am so jealous that you signed up for the course. I have been going back and forth about it for weeks. Hahaha... I missed your bumpdate post yesterday! Hey, it has happened to me more than once over the years that some A-hole asked if I was pregnant when I was not. Have a great weekend!

  4. fall is so pretty! all of our leaves on the trees are bright red and i love looking at them every day.

  5. I'm cracking up over that whole 90s snapchat article! Love it.

  6. There isn't much I love more than animal videos... except for videos of animals dressed up in clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I am so jealous that you signed up for the course! It's been on my wish list but unfortunately is not in my budget at the moment so I'm going to have to miss out. Also the fall scenes look just beautiful there! You take the best pictures!

  8. Oh my goodness... those kittens.
    Fall has been on its game this week here too

  9. I really enjoyed all the Back to the Future stuff this week too! It seems like everyone was talking about it!

  10. love the 90s snapchat, to funny. Remember M.A.S.H ?

  11. I've actually never seen Back to the Future. Which really bothers me because it's like this huge iconic thing! I need to watch it! Okay you might have read my mind because I was just thinking how I need to pay attention and see if bloggers I always read have buttons so I can add them to my sidebar. I always forget because I just read the post and leave!!

  12. We are having gorgeous fall weather here too, and I'm totally living it up because I know winter is coming! Haha. I love Helene's course so far-I'm not that far into it but have already learned a lot!

  13. Oh oh oh pick me!!! I will swap buttons with you! And ummmm givvme all those kitties. Holy cuteness!!!! I sort of forgot half of what you said after watching that video 3 times. And OMG that 90's snap chat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant stop laughing and wishing it was the 90's all at the same time. Thanks for that gem!

  14. I assume you feel the same, 'Ugh, I know the dog(s) needs a walk but I'm really tired and I just want to collapse after work but the dog has been penned up all day and now she's begging me for a walk so I guess we will do a quick block even though I should walk +1 mile' feeling? I feel that ALL THE TIME. Fall-y Saturday mornings are when I feel most motivated :) Also, is it sad that when I wear clothes that make me feel somewhat pregnant I estimate when I would technically be due (Let's say 5 months out?) so that I can save face and just be like, "Well yes, I am. Due in March. Thanks for asking"? Because on my fat days I totally have that lie all ready to go... ha!

  15. Thanks for sharing the Helene in Between links - I was bummed they weren't currently open, but I signed up for the newsletter, so hopefully next time signing up is live, I can do it. That would be awesomeness. (PS - I should tell you that I always read your blog, I just don't always comment.) So thanks for sharing the good stuff.

  16. Happy Friday girl! Happy to be your newest follower!

  17. OMG i want all those kitties. GIMMIE. congrats on your instagram success, that is awesome! i am totally gonna take her course.. when i'm allowed to spend money again haha.

  18. I must have watched that video 10 times already. So cute! Congrats on signing up for the class! Happy weekend!

  19. Yayyy I am so glad you signed up! I did, too!! I'm so excited to see how it can help us and how we can grow our blogs and stuff. K those kitty costumes hahahahaha I want a kitty just so I can put it in a cute costume :) HAPPY FRIDAY!!!
    xo, Candace | Lovely Little Rants

  20. Quit your job to blog sounds scary yet fun. Can't wait to hear what you think of the course! Trish - tales from trish

  21. I loved the Back to the Future day too, such fun stuff!

  22. Congrats on the Insta success! :) I am about to join but haven't because I lazy. Lol. :) The Fall weather has been splendid, today it was great too. Hopefully we get a few more weeks before the real winter chills kick in >.< I love seeing the leaves turn over~ Have a great one Laura! -Iva

  23. I'll have to check out that course. Sounds awesome.

    Aw. Kittens!

  24. Ok, I seem to be all caught up on the new birth control, the bumpdate and the OMG pee stick or nah? This all happened to me too (except the stranger asking the question in public), and two pee sticks later I realized I was being ridiculous and that birth control really is 99.9 percent effective. I hope you're well and loving all things fall!
