October 28, 2015

#HASHTAGHUMPDAY | Halloween Confessions

Is anyone else in disbelief that it's the last week of October? And that Thanksgiving is like tomorrow and then Christmas two days later? At least that's how this time of year always feels to me.

I can't believe it. I almost want to boycott Halloween to keep it from coming. Almost...

The jury is still out on whether or not I'll be celebrating. I've made a tail so there's slight progress.

Before we get started go say hi to my co-host in crime Lauren! Then don't forget to visit Alanna and link up your confessions there too! Knocking out all the confessions and link-ups in one day is like scoring all the Halloween candy #amiright?

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


Since it's the week of all Hallow's Eve I thought we'd do some Halloween inspired confessions?

I once tried to rip off Ron Burgandy's mustache at a bar on Halloween. It was his real mustache. #neverlivingthatonedown #itlookedsuperfake

Halloween has never been the same for me since I woke up in hell the day after celebrating one year in college #itwasbrutal #goreadthelinkandyoullunderstand

When I was a kid I never ate all my Halloween candy #ilikesaltynotsweet #italwaysgotthrownaway

I've been a black cat more times than I can count #becauseitseasy #andsleasy

My favorite costume (as a grown up that is) was when I was a corona bottle #becausebeer

I actually like cleaning out pumpkins to carve them #alltheguts #slimyisgood #imdisgusting

As a perfectionist actually carving my pumpkin gives me anxiety though #itneedstobeperfect

For a group costume one year my sorority sisters and I went as penguins and I bought actual scuba flippers to wear out #thatwasawasteofmoney #didntthinkthatonethrough

In college a friend of mine and I carved really inappropriate pumpkins (one of male part and the other with an open mouth throwing/spitting up) and then put them on a neighbors porch strategically arranged...#weknewthemsoitsok #thepumpkinwouldntswallow #bjpumpkinforthewin

The best part of Halloween, in my opinion, is dressing up my dog (and maybe the cat) #becauseitsthebest #andhescuterdressedupthanme #tacodog #pinatacat

In case you were wondering about that tail I made - I'm being a black cat again #originaliknow

Tell me, what are you being for Halloween? Any past Halloween confessions?

Alanna & Company
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  1. I am DEAD over your puppy and kitty costumes! A taco & a piƱata? I can't even handle it. Also, LO-freaking-L to the inappropriate pumpkins. I bet your neighbors loved that! I'm too lazy to get dressed up for Halloween...instead I'll just enjoy what everyone else does while I eat all the candy no one else wants ;)

  2. I love this post because I love Halloween!!! Halloween confessions? Hmmm let me think. I confess that I've dressed as an 80s rocker groupie chick probably as many times as you've been a black cat. And I owned every bit of my "costumes" already.

  3. Ha, I got a text yesterday from a friend asking if I was doing anything for halloween and I replied "hiding in my house with all the lights off."

  4. oh man, i haven't dressed up for halloween in about 10 years! last costume, i was GoGo (from Kill Bill) and that was an awesome costume!! i'll see if i can dig it up!

  5. I never dress up anymore but a few years ago I was Katniss Everdeen and that was cool. I can not believe it is Halloween already... where did the year of Amy go???? Black cat for the win, a little sexy and slutty is always the best combo!

  6. your blog makes me so happy! :) I love looking at peoples halloween costumes. Love the doggy costumes too!

    XO Ellen from Ask Away Blog

  7. Oh my glob, you had me rolling with the Ron Burgundy confession! Too funny!

  8. LOL The Ron Burgundy part. I definitely dressed Starla up as a pumpkin and she was so adorable! I'm glad she likes to be dressed up. Or at least doesn't mind it...

  9. Ok, your dog is gorgeous. Also... I was a black cat this year at my retail job because it was easy :) Ha! So I've started watching a show called "Casual" on hulu and for some reason your personality just makes me think that you'd like it! Random, I know, but the New Girl button made me think of it!

  10. You've been so creative with your costumes even IF you've been a black cat more times than you can count on one hand. Even the fur kids have cooler style than most!

  11. I think we decided last night we're going for minimal effort and we'll be PB and jelly. As in, gonna buy a plain brown shirt and prob a red shirt (because strawberry jelly>grape jelly) and maybe print out JIF/Smuckers lolos to tape on the shirts.
    Mostly, I'm just excited for an extra hour to recover from whatever partying we do on Halloween. #professionaladulting

  12. OMG girl, I cannot even deal with how close to the end of the year we are already! I swear I blink and another month is over. All of your Halloween costumes are so cute! I'm not dressing up this year because I'll be at a concert, not sure how I feel about missing Halloween haha! Your pup's costumes are so cute! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  13. My dogs HATE Halloween. Here come the costumes.

  14. Hahahahahahaha with the inappropriate pumpkins!!!! That is awesome! And I love the penguin costumes!

  15. Laughed s hard at the inappropriate pumpkins! Love your pup's costumes and your past costumes! That beer bottle is great!

  16. haha i would love to be a black cat one year, love it. love the corona costume, and hilarious you all bought actual flippers for your penguin costumes. you all looked so cute though!

  17. I love squishing pumpkin guts! But I agree, if I mess up my pumpkin I'm sad/mad and also I hate cleanup...so for me it's just easier to not carve pumpkins anymore. Haha.

  18. LOL BJ pumpkins!!! I laughed way too much and hard at that one....that's what she said?! I love pets dressed up in costumes, that's probably one of my favorite things about Halloween. And yes, can the end of the year/holidays quit rushing by so damn quick!

  19. I'm in SHOCK at how fast the time is flying... my co-worker and I counted the weekends until Christmas today and there are only EIGHT left!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH! (Totally did the Kevin McAllister there.)
    What kind of asshole throws away candy? :P

  20. I AM DYING. This is the best thing I've read all day. BJ pumpkins and Ron Burgandy. I'm literally laughing so hard right now.

  21. The lime hat is GREAT! However, for all your claims about not really doing a costume for Halloween, I feel like there should be more details about that first photo. That's not only costume, but full makeup!!
