January 18, 2016

Life Update

I haven't exactly broadcasted it, but you may have seen on social media that I suffered an injury last Thursday night. I came down on the foot of the opponent during a volleyball game. After a seemingly audible crunch and fair amount of screaming and tears I was whisked away for X-rays. Which showed pretty much nothing. A possible hairline fracture, but hard to tell.

Diagnosis? Severe high ankle sprain. Outcome? Boot, crutches and zero weight on it. 

This is the first time as an adult I can say I've been seriously injured. Ok not "seriously" I guess, but enough that it severely effects my every day life. Not being able to walk is the pits. I can honestly say I've shed more tears not in pain, but in the fact that I am incompetent. I feel useless. Moving from even the bed to the couch poses a huge task for me. I have no one to baby me either. It's me, dealing with this, and figuring it out as I go. 

I can't walk. I can barely bathe myself. Cooking? Hah! And all this right in the middle stretch of Whole30 and the Breakup Challenge

Now I'm not going to say I didn't sulk, there's been plenty of that. But I've finally realized I have to suck it up. I have to get on with life for the next couple weeks even if they will be miserable. 

So that's what I've been attempting to do. I even went out on Saturday night, crutches and all, to the BF's work party and even down town afterward. Was it the hardest thing I've done in a long time both physically and mentally? Yes. But I'm glad I did it. 

That night's adventure taught me crutching is the toughest workout in the world. Or so it felt. I had to stop every block or so to rest. The next morning my arms and abs ached with all the work. 

But hey, at least I'll be in killer shape after all of this right?

Sunday my mom kindly picked me up to go grocery shopping. Sore as hell from all the activity on crutches the night before I still crutched around the store for more than an hour--only to find they DID have electronic wheel chairs I could have used.

Deep breath after that. And another Norco (yes pain pills are awesome).

I know I sound absolutely pathetic moping about an injury like this. I should be back to normal in four or so weeks. But it's hard. It's hard to not be able to take the dog for walk or unload the dishwasher. It's hard to have to lift yourself into the shower and hop around on one foot through the house because you can't take the crutches against the bruises under your arms any more. 

But I am trying. And I think that's the best I can do. If I'm not around much in the blog world, you know why... my real world has been turned upside down and is being only supported with crutches at the moment.

Bear with me. I'm still trying to stay positive, silly and me through all of this. So if you have any tips regarding crutches and life with them, please send them my way! 

Cat selfies and all. Cheers from the drugged up me. 

(PS if you like the gross stuff, yes I have pictures of the ankle, yes I will send them if you want...)

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  1. Balls. That sucks girl. Hope you heal fast. Are they making you go back in a week or so to X-ray it again and see if it's healing properly?

    Send me all the nasty pics!! >:-)

  2. Oh girl, this is a severe injury, don't feel like you have to justify your feelings. A third degree ankle sprain is almost worse than breaking the ankle, dealt with those in high school and college soccer. I'm so sorry you're injured and dealing with crutches, that is not fun all. Your attitude right now is great so keep it up!!!

  3. Ooooh... this does really suck but you can get thru it. My only advice is for all the people that are asking if they can help you out at all say YES. If they ask tke them up on it. Send them grocery shopping, have them empty your dishwasher, walk your dog. The moe rest you get the faster you will heal! Feel better girl! You know where to find me when you need support, don't cry alone... I am always good for a few tears lol!!!

  4. YIKES!!! sucks so bad to have such an injury. i used to always mess up my ankle in school and i swear, it was like it was broken! stay off it, rest up!

  5. Carry a little back pack around or always wear a hoodie so you have pockets. All drinks in sealable bottles! See if anyone you know has a shower seat like older people use. If people are willing to clean or cook or whatever for you, say yes and thank you and don't think twice about it.

    MFD was on crutches for three months. We got it down pat but it was not easy at all. Godspeed!

  6. It is not easy to be positive with crutches and a boot. I feel your pain!!! Get it healed and conquer life afterwards!! I hope it's quick!

  7. SO ROUGH. I hope the pain at least goes away soon!

  8. Poor thing! I cannot imagine. Wishes for a speedy recovery!

  9. I've never had to be on crutches - knock on wood - and it doesn't look fun. You're rockin it though. Get healed quickly!!!!

  10. Complain ALL you want. I don't blame you. I never really thought about it, but when you said 'walking the dog' I realized there's no way I could do that. I usually take the dogs out three of the four times they go out each day...once on my lunch break, and Michael can't come home to do that. It would really suck. Plus bruised armpits, showering, cooking? Yikes. Kudos to you for going out though!

  11. Oh no! So sorry to hear this. At least you went out and about some this weekend, that had to be a little helpful for the spirits! Hang in there girl! That bf should be babying you!

  12. I am so sorry about your ankle! That's the worst! I hope you start feeling better super soon.

  13. I'm sorry about your injury :( I hate feeling dependent. Have you taped towels to the top of your crutches? That tends to help a little bit with the under-arm-bruising. Hope you heal soon!!

  14. Being on crutches is the worst! I tore the ligaments in my ankle in both middle school (volleyball) and college (drunken stair fall) and both times sucked massive donkey dong. The summer we got married, Gabriel was on crutches b/c of his knee and I remembered how badly crutches suck! Feel better soon!

  15. Oh no! I hope you get better soon, that doesn't sound fun at all!

  16. I had a high ankle sprain this past summer & it was TERRIBLE! I cannot imagine having a severe one. Ouch! I started with crutches then went to a boot & then an Aircast. It was horrible & seemed to take FOREVER to heal up. Hope you heal up soon.

  17. I'm so sorry you're going through this! Not fun at all. Hope it gets better ASAP! You're a total super trooper for going to your BF's work party!

  18. Boo I'm sorry girl! I fractured my wrist last winter and it was the worst, I felt totally incompetent and couldn't bathe myself. It's not a pretty sight when your mother has to bathe you at 26 years old lol! Hope you heal up and get the boot off soon!

  19. Oh no! Feel better girl! I hope you can heal quickly. Until then try and milk it by making the boyfriend do more around the house or something ;)

  20. OH NO! Sorry to hear about your foot/ankle. At least the boot is sexy though, right?! ;P

  21. Ugh. That sucks linty lollipops. Feel better soon!

  22. Sorry to hear Laura! Hope you're healing well :) I got into a car accident two weeks ago and thankfully only came out with a few bruises and scrapes. I was alone and thank God for that! I know what it's like to feel useless - having NO car kind of does that to you. Have a great one Laura and take it easy! -Iva

  23. You know I want to see those pictures! haha

    I need to have surgery on both of my feet, meaning they would both get broken and set back in place, but I've never broken anything (knock on wood) and never experienced using crutches, etc. so I keep putting it off. I don't think I could handle not being able to do things for myself!

  24. Ahh! I can't believe I missed this. I hope you're doing better.

  25. oh girl this sucks balls. i have never had anything like this happen, but KC had to wear a boot thingy for a few months, but no crutches and he could take it off sometimes. hope it heals super fast!

  26. Broke my leg two April's ago playing roller derby. Broke it Thursday, Surgery for a pin and screws on Monday and six weeks of crutches. And, holy shit, was I fucking miserable. Like utterly and completely. I trulyyyyy feel your pain. Netflix (Game of Thrones!!) and pain pills got me through it. I totally went to a concert in DC on crutches. Went fishing (my friends had to carry me back up the river bank. lmao - I AM NOT LIGHT). Went to Carolina Rebellion concert (borrowed a friends motorized scooter for that. Rocked it). It sucks so bad but try to make the best of it.
