January 29, 2016

My Life as a Pirate & a Few Other Things

Peg leg is official. I can claim "pirate" now on forms right? Ok, I know I'm taking it a little bit far, but you have to put a positive spin on these kind of things if you are going to survive them right?

In case you missed it, I'm set to be on crutches another 4-6 weeks. No bueno. So my doctor prescribed the iWalk (peg leg) and I bit the bullet and handed over the cash so I could have some hands free mobility.

It's only day 2 and so far I am liking it. It's not all sunshine and rainbows like they make it look  on their website, but maybe I'll get there someday. 

In other news, as I waited what seemed like an eternity for the BF to take me grocery shopping Wednesday night (yes I needed assistance because I still had the crutches) I noticed he had a new playlist going. And it's awesome, so if you want some chill, alternative type music, please enjoy:

Knowing that I have a new job, with better pay on the horizon, as well as the payout of my comp and vacation time at my old job, I'm having a hard time not spending it. I want all the things!! I did get myself a little "congrats" present at VS. The terrible part? It was before I got the job. They were having a special where if you bought a sports bra you got free workout pants. I personally LOVE their workout pants and they aren't cheap so duh, I had to act on this. Of course the promotion was only so long - so I went and got what I wanted and told myself if I didn't get the job I had to take it back. But now I don't have to. Yippee skippy! Here's hoping I don't make any more splurges.

And that's really all I have for you today. I apologize for my lack of content these days. Now that I have my arms back maybe I can get back to normal cooking and even a recipe post! (don't hold your breath). It's been a rough couple weeks, and then a crazy one this week, so I'm just trying to keep it all together at the moment. TGIF though right?!

Have a great weekend!
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  1. That pirate leg.... I don't even know how to feel about it. I kind of pity you but I'm also way more jealous than I should be. I mean, that's pretty awesome. Off to check out that playlist!

  2. Would you believe I bought my first VS sports bra a few months ago? I love it!!! I say treat yo-self!!! But don't listen to me because I always treat myself!

  3. those workout pants are super cute! you definitely had to do that, you were basically wasting money if you didn't. have a good weeken, hope the peg leg gets even better :)

  4. I did see that on VS website a couple weeks ago but didn't take the plunge. I love your selections, though!!! Have a fun weekend!

  5. I have never heard of the iWalk!!! I honestly feel like I would fall over more with that than with crutches. Is it pretty easy to get around?! VS has THE best sports bras of all time!!

  6. Obviously you enjoy a treat so go on with your bad self!!! I have a VS sports bra from a few years back that I love. I need to check out their new ones, they seem to have a lot more options now. Have a great weekend!

  7. Dang that sucks that you have 4-6 more weeks, but you can do it! That bra is super cute and I haven't looked at their workout pants before. I love colorful workout pants.

  8. You totally look like a pirate. Retail therapy is a perfectly acceptable form of coping. I think so.

  9. I would have done the same thing with the deal at VS. You just can't pass that up. I'm really happy you didn't have to take it back because that would have been heartbreaking. ;)

  10. Dude, pirates are baller, so you are freakin' baller with that peg leg! Also, those workout pants & sports bra are so on point!

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