It's Fitness Friday!
Today I want to talk about having the motivation to get yourself to the gym (or to work out). Because let's be honest, getting yourself there is half the battle. Once I'm there I work hard, its the getting off the butt and to the gym that is difficult.
Today I want to talk about having the motivation to get yourself to the gym (or to work out). Because let's be honest, getting yourself there is half the battle. Once I'm there I work hard, its the getting off the butt and to the gym that is difficult.
So here are four of my favorite tips for making sure you get to the gym. Most of these are nothing new, you've heard them before, but it never hurts to have a little refresher.
1. Keep Your "Fat Pic" Handy. Yes this is as mortifying as it sounds. Have someone you feel comfortable with take a picture of you in minimal clothing, so you can see your problem areas. Keep it on your phone, computer or heck smack it up on that bulletin board if you need to. Then, when you don't feel like going to the gym? Whip that bad boy out and tell me if you still don't want to go. Works for me every time... and I'll be REALLY brave and share mine with you. Yuck, I know, super motivating right?
1. Keep Your "Fat Pic" Handy. Yes this is as mortifying as it sounds. Have someone you feel comfortable with take a picture of you in minimal clothing, so you can see your problem areas. Keep it on your phone, computer or heck smack it up on that bulletin board if you need to. Then, when you don't feel like going to the gym? Whip that bad boy out and tell me if you still don't want to go. Works for me every time... and I'll be REALLY brave and share mine with you. Yuck, I know, super motivating right?
2. Schedule Gym Time. This sounds like a no brainer-- but do you actually formally schedule your workouts? Writing them down, putting them in a planner, or even better in your outlook calendar means they are some thing real - something permanent. You can't skip a meeting reminder going off on your computer to work out right? I save mine right in my work calendar - Gym noon - 1 PM on the days I plan to go. Not only is this a benefit to yourself, co-workers won't plan meetings that interfere if that time is already blocked in your calendar. No work calendar? Make sure you write it in big letters or a fun color in your planner - then cross it off once you've gone!
3. Have Someone Else to Hold You Accountable. Nothing forces you to go to the gym like a date. Have a friend you meet up with to work out with. If you don't go you're standing them up - pretty good motivator. Find a co-worker, friend, family member etc., who has similar free periods of time in their day and set up a regular schedule to work out. Not a gym buddy person? Substitute a class. By having a class to go to it's like having a date - a set time and group of people are there waiting (we'll pretend) for you. Sure you skipped class in college - don't let this be that class! (I recommend body pump as a class - it's my favorite!)
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These people don't seem to be working that hard - but hey they made it to a class at the gym! |
4. Bribe Yourself. This is my good ol' standby. "If you go to the gym, you can have ice cream tonight," or "you can have a burger during date night if you workout today." Having a little treat to motivate you never hurts. Don't over do it. This works best in moderation. It works really well for me since I work out on my lunch hour. My reward? I get to eat lunch... Now obviously I eat lunch weather I go to the gym or not - but on days when I am supposed to go to the gym, I tell myself I can't eat lunch unless I go workout. Works every time!
What tricks do you use to motivate yourself to work out?
Have a fabulous weekend people! And go to the gym!
Have a fabulous weekend people! And go to the gym!

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