May 19, 2014

Weekend Re-Cap

Once again I seriously failed at photo-documenting this weekend.
However, it was a seriously awesome weekend, so I have to do a little recap...
Friday -  We drove out to Glenns Ferry to have prime rib dinner with James' parents at Carmela Vineyards and then hung out at their camp site near by. If we had planned accordingly we would have stayed the night out there - because it was absolutely beautiful! Instead we rushed back into town to catch Godzilla in 3D on IMAX that night. Probably the best way to see that movie if you are a Godzilla fan. My thoughts on the movie? Very Godzilla-ish...? haha
I rocked my new maxi dress to dinner and the movie.
Saturday - I got up early, took the dog to the dog park, weeded the front flower beds, had a birthday lunch with one group of girlfriends and then headed to another birthday celebration full of sunshine, yard games and summer beers. We headed to dinner as the sun went down and then called it a night... I was pooped by then.

Sunday - Quick morning shopping trip for some things James needed for his trip, then dog park, nap and dinner with my parents. Capped the night off by rescuing a duckling from a storm drain! Poor little baby was so scared! The rescue was hugely in part to James who man-handled that storm drain which I could not have gotten open on my own. Our good deed for the week is done.
Had double the amount of dogs in my car Sunday after the dog park. They loved the Dutch Bros stop complete with doggie biscuits.
So all in all it was one wonderful weekend--other than James' flight to Seattle getting cancelled. This was obviously fate so that he could rescue the baby duck with me so it all worked out. He leaves this afternoon and I'll be on my own (well with some furry companionship) till Thursday. 

Hope you all had a beyond amazing weekend!

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