December 3, 2014


"Hey - Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike. What day is it?"

That's right it's #HASHTAGHUMPDAY again!!! Time to get it all out and #hashtag the Schmidt out of it with Lauren over at Genuinely Lauren!
#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo
First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  •  Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


PLUS, it's time for currently with  In Residence and Dearest Love! So you can get twice the love for your #hashtags if you do both #sotheresnoreasonnotto #rulenumber76 #noexcuses #playlikeachampion

Making bang bang shrimp pasta. Because when the boyfriend’s gone I eat all the food he doesn’t like – shrimp for example. #bangtastic #getinmybelly

Listening to the dog and cat rambunctiously play, Big Bang Theory in the background and XM Holly all day errday in the car (channel 17 if you are wondering) #mypetsareobnoxious #iheartsheldon #hessozazzy #hollyjolly #christmasmusicordie

Wrapping…. Is this a trick question? I haven’t gotten that far. No tree, no place to put wrapped gifts #thatsmystoryandimstickingtoit

Watching Elf and the original animated How Grinch Stole Christmas and every other Christmas movie I can get my hands on. As a kid I thought the animated Grinch was a full movie – and it’s only 25 min long??? #wtf #loveitstill #buddytheelfwhatsyourfavoritecolor

Anticipating flying to VEGAS on Sunday! I’m headed down to Las Vegas for a work convention (which I got a scholarship to attend!) and then my best friend is meeting me down there for Vegas shenanigans. Those will include a reindeer run, outlet malls, lots of In-N-Out Burger and possibly a rowdy night on the town #TBD #isitsundayyet #vegasvirgin #VEGAS!!!! 

AND I'm adding this one to the list, because this happened...

Appreciating the young lady who rescued my baby (Gunner) from a very busy street near my house Monday evening. She kept him in her car till I could come pick him up almost 30 minutes later. I am SO SO SO SO grateful to that girl. Words cannot describe it. Thank God for good Samaritans and dog lovers #yourockmyworld #amillionthanks #howcanieverrepayyou

Ok your turn! Link up. #HASHTAG things (this is key) and have fun!

Happy humpday!


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  1. I used to think The Grinch was a full movie too! haha. I guess that is a clear example that kids have no concept of time. ;-)

  2. SO glad you got Gunner back. Yay for awesome people.

    I also thought the Grinch was a full length movie. It makes sense now because I know it's a poem, but... still. Young Jaelan really loved the Grinch, and Old Jaelan still REALLY loves the Grinch. It isn't Christmas unless I watch it. :)

  3. My husband HATES Sheldon, says he reminds him of this roommate he had once - and I promptly asked (did you have a roommate agreement?) #ilovemakinghimtwitch
    I love Sheldon though - he's hysterical, and his love of science and trains reminds me of my son. Who is 7, but one day, I can see him being just like Sheldon. HEHEHEHE.

    Thanks for this link up - I've been searching for a new one!

    OH - The original Grinch was on TV last weekend, and my son got to see it for the first time (I must be an awful mom, if he hasn't seen it) - but, I also was like "WHAT? It's only 25 minutes long????" I still love it. We're even going to make Grinch Cookies this weekend!!!

    Happy Wednesday!

  4. I am jealous of the bang bang shrimp pasta and going to Vegas lol... I'm trying to get back on my healthy eating and I'm hangry:)

  5. WHAT?? And they we're able to turn a 25 minute short film into an hour and 45 minute movie?? That's crazy! Have fun in Vegas next week, girlfriend! Yay to week 2 of #hashtaghumpday! :)

  6. that is such a great neighbor to pick up the dog! My worst fear is that the dogs will get picked up by animal control.

  7. What is bang bang shrimp pasta? Whatever it is I want some! I love Elf and Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Maybe shrimp pasta and Christmas movies at the same time?!

    Vegas, I haven't been there in a while. Fun!

  8. he's so ZAZZY! I have to be honest, sometimes I still have nightmares about the original grinch.... #scaredycat

  9. Yay for the awesome good samaritan that kept Gunner! You're going to have a blast in Vegas - If you need any recommendations of what to do let me know!

  10. Thank goodness for kind dog lovers!! Additionally I have also been watching ALL THE CHRISTMAS MOVIES and yet still don't have my tree up or presents wrapped because...well because FAIL.

  11. Umm love New Girl! What a fun link up idea! :)

  12. Haha, don't worry--I've only wrapped one present! I still have soooo much shopping to do!
    Thanks for linking up!

  13. Whew that was very nice of a random stranger to take care of your dog until you were able to pick him up! Thank God he's safe and sound. Elf is one of my favorite movies period - It's playing Sunday and I am going to watch it with my family because it makes me happy. :) I will be watching Big Bang Theory in an hour too - woot woot! Have a great one Laura! -Iva

  14. I love Elf! And I totally thought the animated Grinch was a full-length movie when I was a kid, too. I also thought The Wizard of Oz was about four hours long....
