March 6, 2015

Hey! Ho! It's Friday yo!

Again, like Monday, I've fallen into that "I wasn't going to post but now I am" position. You're welcome.

Although I don't really have anything life changing to share today, I needed a ramble. So here are just about the 5 most random things ever, right off the top of my head...

1 | Last spring I forced bulbs at my house and they were a great success. Since spring seems to have already sprung here in Idaho I started another set for this year. However, I didn't plan ahead and buy new bulbs in the fall, so I had to use 2 year old bulbs. I knew it might not work, so I'm not terribly disappointed, but I only got about one and half tulips this year. One good one, one kind of brownish sickly one and then some green biz. Maybe they still surprise me and the rest will pop up. For now I'll enjoy my lone pink ranger.

2 | I'm absolutely obsessed with this blue, sweat shirt cardigan I got in my Le Tote this week. It sooooo soft and cute and amazing. It's like wearing a snuggy to work. There, I said it. I want it so bad!!!! But I just don't think I can justify the $88 price tag.

3 | I've had three really good hair days this week. These days are the days I don't shower in the morning. Since my new workout classes are in the evenings, I shower afterwards and don't re-shower in the morning. And I have MASTERED the wavy, loose curl look on the following morning. Who knew changing your shower schedule would result in a better hair day?

4 |  So far so good on my #4WeeksFit goals! I feel so good today after a week full of clean foods and tons of water. Every time I change my diet significantly I am always surprised how much better I feel. Plus I've gone to three Warrior Fit Boot Camp Classes already and have another scheduled tomorrow morning and a hike planned for Sunday. Seriously nailing it so far. I feel skinnier already!

5 | *Shameless Plug* I am so excited for a review post that I have scheduled next week. You know that hand lettered print trend going around? Well it has something to do with that AND the lovely lady behind Ashley Nevis Prints and Rainstorms and Love Notes. You're going to want to stop by because there will be a giveaway too!!!

 And that's all the word vomit I have for today.

 Have a beyond wonderful weekend pretties!

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  1. So, I'm a bit late to the bandwagon on this Hand Lettering but I'm dying to give it a whirl! Now, if I can figure out where to start! Looking forward to your post :).

  2. I went to a boot camp yesterday + I almost died. True story. I also struggle with "left" + "right" apparently. I COULD NOT for the life of me get the whole switching foot thing they wanted us to do down. don't even get me started on burpees. I'm sticking to the barre. I don't remember where I was going with this comment when I started it............. ALSO Old Navy has cardigans similiar to that blue one! at least they did the last time I was there. I bought it in like... three different colors.

  3. The netflix sign is perfect!

  4. That cardigan is so cute!!! And I got a print from Ashley too!!!! They are just too cute, I wish I had handwriting like that! Have a great weekend!

  5. I have a friend who is so obsessed with blue cardigans. She has one for like every day ... of the month...

  6. Jealous of your green thumb skills - those are so pretty!

  7. I will never understand how even the comfiest of cardigans can cost $88 dollars. Unless it does some kind of magic trick I always wonder how people can get away with that. I love showering at night because my hair actually has volume from being a tiny bit dirty (in those 8 hours haha) in the morning!

  8. Okay, I do the shower at night too thing lately and my hair ROCKS in the morning! I just think to myself "where did those waves and curls come from???" But I ain't mad.. heyyyy :) Yay for being consistent with your workouts! I know after a week of running consistently - and when I started by training back up - I always think "why did I stop before??" Have a great weekend, love bug!

  9. That cardigan looks amazing, but why does it have to be so expensive?!? Also, I'm thinking a tutorial is in order for your loose waves look, because it's seriously so cute! So excited about the review post next week too - thanks for the preview! :)

  10. Buy the cardigan! How often do you come across something that you actually love? You can wear this for years to come and you'll just appreciate it more knowing you spend all those hard earned dollars on it. Just see it as an investment! :)

  11. Good hair days can make a day!!
    Treat yourself to the cardi; you have to spoil yourself every now and again, right?! Xx

  12. Good hair weeks always make things better :) That does look like a lovely sweater and sometimes the price tag, while high is worth it if you will wear it multiple times a week. So maybe a splurge for Spring is in order ;) Go ahead, I'll never tell. Have a great one LoLo! -Iva

  13. Your hair does look so great - and that's a "morning after" look? You should probably do a how-to post on that for the rest of us, who haven't mastered the trick!

  14. Good hair days are awesome! I got mine cut last Friday (with a re-introduction of the side bang) and today was the first day I got it to look semi-decent. Share your evening-shower-hair-styling secrets!?
