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Dog Park Etiquette with Alanna & Co
If there's one thing that keeps me sane, it's taking Gunner to the dog park. If I didn't have an outlet for my very active dog, or a place to go and decompress after work, I seriously might lose it. Not to mention I couldn't get anything done in the evenings because I'd have a tennis ball at my feet all night, even in the house.
Case and point. |
I've shared here before how much I love the dog park. It's a community for me and Gunner's happy place. But like any other social situations, there are some things that can make your experience at the park that much better. That's why today I'm teaming up with my fellow dog loving friend, Alanna to talk about Dog Park Etiquette!
Alanna tackled some of the basics for human etiquette at the park. But there are more than just people at a dog park and your dog's etiquette is important too! Today I'm going to talk about what the appropriate behavior is for a dog at the dog park.
Take this all with a grain of salt, because I'm not a dog...
Keep greetings brief
We all know the first things dogs do is sniff each others unmentionables. It's unavoidable. The key here is to keep it within reason and not get too far up the other dogs well.... you know. I've seen greetings turn south too many times because a pup has gotten too nosy, literally.
Make sure you do a quick hello-sniff and then get on your way.
Humping is not only offensive and inappropriate, it's sign of dominance. Whenever dominance becomes an issue at the dog park it is usually followed by aggression. Don't be that dog (and owners don't let your dog be that dog!)
Sharing is caring
Dog park bowls, toys and space are usually all shared. Dogs (and their people) need to be willing to share. Be friendly and considerate to other dogs coming over to get a drink or sniff the toy you might be playing with. Play tug-of-war or even make a game of who-can-fetch-the-ball-first. Dogs playing together are generally happier dogs!
Respect when another dog doesn't want to play
While sharing and playing together is the best scenario, there are always dogs at the park who are more interested in people, or their game than the other dogs (like my Gunner). Be respectful of these dogs and do not get in their face over and over if they do not want to play.
If they give you a warning sign, such as snapping at you or a quick growl, back off! The worst thing a dog can do is keep pestering another dog. It almost always leads to an altercation!
Leave if you are being naughty
Ok, so this might be more of human-etiquette for the park, but if your dog is being aggressive or will not stop humping other dogs, leave the park. Bad experiences can ruin the dog park for some and they may never come back.
Gunner is often aggressive because he is only at the park for one reason and one reason alone - to play fetch. When other dogs get in his way, or try to herd him (like Alanna's dog!) he can get snappy. But he knows that's not ok and as soon as I yell at him he trots over to the gate and knows it's time to go home.
If you as a dog can follow these simple rules, your trip to the dog park will be that much more bark-tastic!
Cheers to dogs this happy...
Now scoot on over to Alanna & Company for dog park etiquette for pet parents!
Are you a dog park regular? What tips would you recommend for the best experience for pup and parent?
Gunner is such a cutie! I definitely have seen other dogs (FEMALES) humping dog. I don't know why people think it's funny or just let them do their thing.
ReplyDeleteI wish my dog wasn't so anti-social. I'd be all over taking him to the dog park... there are some AWESOME ones around us. I can't even take his ass to the outdoor mall... I thought about getting a stroller with a zip cover just to do THAT. Ugh. lol
ReplyDeleteGunnar is adorable! I don't have a pup (yet), but this will be wonderful when I do get one in the near future :)!!
ReplyDeleteYes! I wish more people follow these rules! I'll admit I'm a bit of a helicopter mom at the park but for good reason haha!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness. That last photo of him is too cute!!!! I just want to cuddle him! :)
ReplyDeleteYes yes! I love that you wrote this to the dogs of the world- I'll be sure to share it with my munchkins. I only take one of my pups to the park because my girl just can't handle all the craziness. Enzo is all about playing with other dogs, though. He'd probably run with Gunner after the ball but he wouldn't have any interest in bringing it back. He just likes to run along side other dogs. Haha!
ReplyDeleteLove this post! I love our dog park as well. We can't go as much as I would like to, but hopefully we can start going more :)
ReplyDeleteSo much greatness! I hate that now it's getting dark out right when I get off work and can't take my dog squad to the park as often. You definitely rule the dog world, pretty lady :)
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with Amanda's comment...I wish my dogs weren't so neurotic and scared. We took them to a dog park a few times and even had them playing with other dogs on occasion, but one of the last times we went a dog came up to one of mine and she FREAKED on it so I immediately scolded her and we got out of there! It sucks to be THAT dog parent and have everyone watching you do the walk of shame. But at least we didn't just try to laugh it off and stay!!
ReplyDeleteadorable!! i'd assume that dog park etiquette is similar to human park etiquette -- basically, don't be an asshole parent and don't let your kids / dogs be assholes to others either!!
ReplyDeleteHahahahaha look at that drool!!!! I wish that your tips were common sense.....but they aren't! People just let their dogs do whatever they want. One of the reasons we dont take our dogs out to the dog parks.
ReplyDeleteLove this....I still haven't made it to the dog park with my Dutch and wonder how he would act. He goes to playcare once or twice each week and loves it so I feel like he is fairly well socialized with other dogs but just not sure how he would act in that setting. Thanks for the tips!
ReplyDeletei don't have a dog, but like i said on Alanna's blog, this all seems like common sense. i can't believe how stupid some people can be sometimes. also, even though i also don't have a kid, i feel like all of these could apply to children as well. haha clearly it needs to be 5pm already.
ReplyDeleteI love this! All so true. I hate when people let their dogs do whatever they want, especially the humping.
ReplyDeleteHe's gorgeous. I hope I have room to adopt a dog one day; I have cats, and I can only imagine a cat park would be a bunch of cats sullenly staring at each other.
ReplyDeleteI love going to the dog park but I find all too often too many a$$holes bring their a$$holes dogs and then toddle off, ignore their pet and do everything but pay attention to their dog. I can't stand people like that. There's one dog park I won't go to because it's notorious for aggressive dogs and a$$hole owners.
ReplyDeleteMy boys both love dog parks though. :)
I used to work with animals and the humping thing is definitely a sign of dominance and is a problem. No one wants to be that pet parent apologizing on their dogs behalf for their inappropriate behavior. Glad you find great solace and comfort in going to the dog park with Gunner :) Have a great one Laura! -Iva
ReplyDeleteI'm really hit or miss with dog parks. They can be really awesome or really bad. So many people have ill behaved dogs, unfortunately. My favorite parks are the ones that are divided by weight for dogs. I have two large dogs and am tired of the little yippy dogs snapping at them and being overall little shits.
ReplyDeleteI wish there was a dog park in O-town :( A neighbouring town 20 minutes away just got one but you have to license your dog through the town and since I don't live in that town I'm not able too - so silly. I'm pretty sure Krickit would be the asshole dog that everybody hated though! hahaha