December 23, 2015

#HASHTAGHUMPDAY | The Eve of the Eve

Twas the night before the night before Christmas, and all through the house...

Laura was laid up in bed and with Vicks her chest she did douse...

It has come. The cold has finally hit. I've been battling it since Thanksgiving, survived traveling to Vegas and a month worth of stress, but it picks this week to finally conquer me.

Damn. It's always over Christmas.

Still, it is the eve of Christmas Eve and I'm not letting it damper my spirits (too much). I've stretched my time off to include today as a sick day (even though I had to take a personal day because you can't take a sick day leading into a holiday, seriously wtf). 

So I'm home finally taking in some of those Christmas movies and drinking cocoa and hoping I'm able to get out of bed for happy hour with a close friend. Fingers crossed. It would be a Christmas Miracle. 

Before we get into it, let me remind you you have a plethora of link ups to confess your face off to every Wednesday. #Hashtaghumpday with Lauren and I of course, Alanna for confessions as well as Plucky in Love, and then Kathy and Nadine! So much humpity-hump-day love!

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


Did you hear the big announcement yesterday? Amy and I are tackling Whole30 again and are opening it up to anyone and everyone and any bad habit you might want to break up with. All I know is it couldn't come at a better time because this is sort of my motto this time of year #itsnotchristmaswithoutbooze #orchocolate #orcookies #nomnomnomnomnom

Between all the drama at work, trying to get everything done for our New Year's event prior to Christmas and now getting sick and taking an extra day off, this is how I feel about my job #fuckit #imout

I tried to spend a lot less money this year for Christmas. I think I did spend less, but not a whole lot less. I tend to just keep buying and buying (especially for the BF) every time I see something that I think is perfect for someone. Thus why he has like 8 presents #oopsididitagain #presentsfordays #iheartgiving

 Speaking of gifts I'm really nervous about the the little DIY gift I did this year. It was way out of my comfort zone and I'm not sure he will appreciate it as much as I am hoping. Cross your fingers for me that he'll be blown away would you?  #nervousebreakdown #hebetterlikeit #orhesnotgettingany

All points aside though, I'm extremely excited for Christmas, time with my family and friends, and feeling all the warm fuzzies it brings me each year. I wish it could go on and on! #Christmasforever

And that's all she wrote folks. Link up and confess your pre-Christmas sins!

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  1. Awww... I am sorry you are sick!! Get some alka seltzer cold and chug, then get to happy hour later and have a nice hot toddy!I'm ordering pizza tonight and I am going to pig out!!

  2. I'm sorry you're sick but I'm glad it gives you an excuse to indulge in a little "me" time! You're so lucky that your BF is easy to buy for... Mine is so hard- or he wants $300 things. Ugh! Merry Christmas!

  3. Oh man... it always seems that someone is sick in my family at Christmas. I'm convinced its because everyone runs themselves ragged to get ready for the day. Hope you feel better!

  4. of course I'll sing soft kitty for you! also I have found stretching myself too thin to generally be the cause of me getting sick, so I'd wager that taking today for just you will make you feel all better! I might join the two of you on the Whole30 thing, because the bad habit I need to break up with is probably just deciding I don't feel like cooking + having wine for dinner... but is it cheating if I don't give up booze too?

  5. Ok so you are going to have to reply with what kind of DIY you did. Soft kitty!!! I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I hope you feel better before Christmas!!!! Fuck work.

  6. I'm so sorry you're sick! I hope you get better soon. I am exact same way about presents I see things and I think oh that would be perfect for them! And then I wind up spending way more money than I planned.

  7. Bummer about being sick! Feel better! I will never understand work policies like that. I'm just glad one way or the other you were able to take the day off and hopefully fully recover before the festivities begin!

  8. I hope you make it to happy hour tonight! And that you can enjoy all the Christmas festivities through the sickness.

    Yep, tis the season to eat EVERYTHING. And drink it too. :)

  9. So sorry that you're not feeling well, do everything you can to enjoy the magic through it all. And thank you for your card! It will make it to insta soon enough!

  10. blech, it sucks so much to be sick!! hope you feel better soon.

  11. I'm so sorry you are sick! Hope you feel better ASAP!
