July 1, 2015

#HASHTAGHUMPDAY | The First of July

Holy Hades Batman how the heck did we get to July 1st? And WHY IS IT HOTTER THAN HELL already? Not OK. So not OK.

You know who is OK? Well more than OK, she's freakin' awesome - my partner in link up crime, Lauren @ Genuinely Lauren. Go say hi would ya?
#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

 First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
  • Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want! 
  • Grab the button and include it in your post
  •  Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
  • Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
  •  Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
  • Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag


So it's pretty obvious I've been slacking around these parts. First I forgot #hashtaghumday last week, plus I've been pretty scarce on visiting and commenting you lovely ladies, and then there's the whole vacation recap I have yet to do #isuckatblogginglately #pleasedonthateme

Oh and this week I totally admited I like being a loner and going out to dinner by myself #selfdatesforthewin #morefoodlesstalk

Don't worry though, I have lots of excuses for my recent suckiness and loner tendancy. One, 5 whole days with a bunch of girlfriends for NOLA.Yes it was amazing, but I also need some quiet time in my life now #toomuchgirltimeisathing #stillrecovering. Plus we have officially kicked into "fairtime" at work. Less than a month till Fair people #holyshitimscrewed #sosoonimscared #sojustleavemealone

As if getting busy at work wasn't stressful enough, some shit really hit the fan at work last week too. Working for the government definitely has it's benefits but it also has it's downfalls. Like politics, and nasty letters being sent to your boss and the Fair board from county commissioners. No, my job isn't really a concern, but if my boss loses her job or resigns, I'm high-tailing it out of there. She's the glue that holds that cluster-fuck together. We manage to make it a great Fair despite all the bullshit that gets lit on fire at our metaphoricle doorstep, and she's the reason. Commissioners are going to regret this if we lose her! #andsowilli #ihateapplyingforjobs #politiciansquitmessingwithgoodpeople

And of course, let's top this off with the fact we have triple digit highs here from now till eternity. It started last week and it hasn't stopped. It's barely even July people, I hate to think what August will be like. I might as well move to the surface of the sun #fuckitshot #howamisupposedtoplaywithmydog #summeryouareshittingthebed

Ok so that's about it. Random as usual. I feel the need to let you know sporatic at best is what you should expect from now through Fair (July 23-26). I'll be back full blast August though. And still creeping around a little bit. I mean I can't give it up completely #bloggingisanaddiction #andidmissallyoutoomuch

Link up friends!

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  1. I am right there with you on the lack of blogging effort. It's ok, life happens:) Surface of the sun may be a tads less humid than GA right now... my hair hates the summer!!!

  2. Fuck govt politics. Seriously. That is a majority of the reason I got out of the navy, because I don't play games well. Then I became a fed contractor. Nothing changed but my clothing. #ididthistomyself.

    Also, it's pretty much a steam room in Charleston right now. I'm not sure if we've hit the 100s yet, but we've surpassed "feels like" 114* a few times and I'm sooooo over it.

  3. I seriously love Tina Fey's love for food in 30 rock. So that gif is making my life right now! Hope work (and the weather) cools down for you a bit!

  4. I crafted my post before reading yours. We twinned with Lucy Hale and Tina Fey gifs. Great minds...

  5. I hope your boss will be okay!
