First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
- Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want!
- Grab the button and include it in your post
- Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
- Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
- Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
- Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag
If you've been following along recently you'd know it's been rough month or two, so what I need more than ever are things to be excited about.
Well tis the season! Let's get started with this week and keep it rolling #itsgonnabegood
Tonight I'm having birthday dinner with one of my oldest friends #bff #sincebirthpractically
Then tomorrow night is co-ed volleyball, which I have every week, but it has become my outlet and only physical activity so I look forward to it each week #spikethemballs #workinit
Then Friday is STAR WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In IMAX, in 3D. Be jealous, oh so jealous, would you? #fangirlsqueals #OMG #cannotwait
Saturday night we have our second ugly sweater party and a white elephant gift exchange. I pretty much NAILED IT with my gift last year and I'm not sure I (or anyone else) will ever be able to top it #boobiemug #milkduds #winning
Then it's a short work week #whichdoesntreallycount #illpretendtowork
Followed by a special breakfast Christmas Eve morning with my closest childhood friends. It's going to be the first time all of us girls have been together in over 3 years! Plus we have our first baby on the way and I cant't wait to see her baby bump #somuchtimetomakeupfor #friendsforlife #honoraryauntietobe
And of course you guessed what's next, Christmas Eve full of baking and food prep for an evening full of family and love #bestdayoftheyear
and then....CHRISTMAS!
Tell me friends, what are you excited for these next few weeks? Come on and link up!
PS - serious confession here, I did something scandalous and I'm talking all about it over on Hey Kerri Blog today!

SO JEALOUS OF YOUR STAR WARS TIME!!! We tried to look up tickets, but it seems like they are sold out freakin' everywhere around here! And YAY for friend time! Getting together after a long time is always so much fun! Have a great rest of the week, girlfriend! xo
ReplyDeleteHahaha I love this!! Happy Hump Day! It sounds like you're getting your Christmas spirit on... I'm still looking for mine. Might bake some cookies today (and eat them all...) maybe that will help! Hahah xx
ReplyDeleteTHAT MUG! Oh my gosh! That's hilarious. Took me a second to realize you had MILK Duds & the connection. I'm slow like that.
ReplyDeleteSounds like the rest of the year just holds FUN for you :)
LOL @ that mug!!!! That is awesome!!!! Yes, there is so much to be excited for in the next two weeks!!! It is so comforting to know this is the last full work week of the year too, isn't it?! I hope you have fun at your party and getting to connect with old friends :)
ReplyDeleteI am excited about the fact that I have money to spend on Christmas this year versus last year when I was unemployed. I am also excited about getting back on the wagon believe it or not, trying to seriously psych myself up!!!
ReplyDeleteSTAR WARS in 3D! I am totally going to see it but I'm going to wait until it calms down a bit. I can't wait until I have a few days off work.
ReplyDeleteThe last few weeks have been rough here too so I really like your perspective of looking at what I can be excited about. Maybe that will coast me through until next week when I get time off and time to sleep in. That's a good starting point! HAHAHA at your white elephant gift though. A+ my friend.
ReplyDeleteI'm excited for all things Christmas! I'm not excited that Christmas is 9 days away and I still have a million things to do though!
ReplyDeleteI love that the holidays brings everyone together - I got together with a group of friends for Wine Club Christmas party on the weekend and it made my heart so happy to have everyone back together. A Christmas Eve breakfast with friends is a great idea (as long as mimosas are involved! haha)
Just saw your post on Kerri's blog to - you go girl! They look so good!
Love it!! That is a lot to be excited for! Im super excited for winter break and just having 2 weeks to do things without rushing!
ReplyDeleteYou've got SO many things to look forward to! Pace yourself and enjoy every minute!
ReplyDeleteYay!! I'm so glad you have some fun stuff to look forward to!! Honestly, I think all employers (except maybe like, hospitals because we rely on the nurses and doctors because they're awesome) should just shut down the week of Christmas and the week of New Years. Two weeks off is definitely appropriate.
ReplyDeleteWe're seeing Star Wars Friday too!
ReplyDeleteTHAT MUG!! HAHAHAHA. I'm dying.
ReplyDeleteYay for Christmas!!! Looks like you have lots of fun festivities coming up. Work is such a joke right now, half the people are gone and the other half aren't working. All non emergency jobs and stores (sorry retail workers) should close for 2 weeks!
ReplyDeleteYay to not working and having some days off for Christmas! My favorite part is the food and spending time with family :)
ReplyDeleteI need to steal that someecards because that is me. For the next 2 weeks.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, where did you find that boobie mug?! Ha! It cracks me up! Tee hee!
ReplyDeletebahahaha that mug! so many things to be excited for!
ReplyDeleteKC is super stoked about star wars but he wants to wait for it to 'die down' before we go see it. i was like.... you think it's gonna die down?!
So many things to be excited about! Cracked up so much at that mug!
ReplyDeleteI love the Bridesmaids gif :) Perfect.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the girlfriends time and Christmas and Star Wars!!!
Where did you get the boogie mug and how do I get one???
ReplyDelete(P.S. my mom was checking out this post over my shoulder and couldn't stop laughing about it. I think Cards Against Humanity has corrupted her)
everyone is talking about star wars and i'm like STFU NO SPOILERS!!! if i can break away from this damn work for just a second, i would definitely go see it!