October 3, 2014

E U R O T R I P | Part 3

I have decided that I really want to share my post-grad Eurotrip with blogland. So, WELCOME ABOARD for this little photo-clad trip down memory lane! (scroll all the way to the end for all the pics!)

Here’s the general overview: After graduation I “back-packed” Europe with two of my best girlfriends as my graduation gift from my parents. We did 8 cities in 3 countries over 21 days.

While I could bore you all with the details and places we went every day, we both know that is a painful, unnecessary thing to do.

Instead I am going to share with you the FUNNIEST parts of our trip. Because really, that’s where/when the memories were made!

Part 3 of E U R O T R I P: American Beeetches

To better understand this post, makes sure you check out Eurotrip Part 2 regarding how everyone and their mother were obsessed with Jessie while we were in Europe! 

In Florence, Italy we took advantage of the fact you could drink on the streets. We joined up with some local youths drinking on the Duomo steps, and made up our own little song “Drinking on the Duomo.” (trust me it's very catchy)

This is us on the Duomo steps

The first pub we went to Jessie had yet another groupie. Let's call him Chad. He just seemed like a Chad and I don't remember his real name. Chad was an exchange student from the states. He was blond, short, and had had a few or more beers. Chad was wearing a blue scarf. Yet Chad apparently was straight (though I had serious doubts) because he became Jessie's shadow for the night.

This was the pub where we met Chad... can't seem to find a photo of him though.

He followed us from bar to bar attached to Jessie by the hip, or the hand, or the shoulder, or any other part he could get ahold of. He wanted everything to do with Jessie and Jessie wanted nothing to do with Chad...for the most part. He was endearing in my opinion. Let's just say our confirmation of his straight-ness came from some dancing at a club later that night... a little poke came through, or so Jessie thought.

Can I make a note here that all Italian men come on very strong (and Chad too apparently)? I was not comfortable at any of the clubs we danced at. Please don't rub up on me with your greased back hair and half way unbuttoned shirt. No thank you. But yes, I will take an 8 Euro beer because that price is ridiculous!

A little sweaty after getting out dance on... can you see the guys beard next to us...? Jesus.

Finally after ditching Chad somewhere we strolled back the hostel blissfully unaware of our surroundings. From a window above us a young man shouted at us to come up for a drink (he had most likely spotted Jessie). We probably were less than polite turning him down, but I think it was just a plain no, to which he responded “AMERICAN BEEETCHES!!!!” We owned the title the rest of the trip.

Instead of a "Flat Stanley" we took Hong Wang on our adventures through Europe. This was "him" in Florence

So cheers to us American Beeetches!

Want more? Read PART 1 and PART 2!

Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend!
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  1. Oh man! Is every guy obsessed with Jessie or what?!
    I've never been to Europe, but I understand a LOT of the men there are pretty pushy.

    Love all the pictures. Super jealous over here! We had the choice to go pretty much wherever we wanted on our honeymoon (Thanks MIL!). We thought about Paris, but decided to go to Maui. I wouldn't trade it, but a part of me is kicking myself.

  2. oh my goodness. these pictures make me want to go to Europe like yesterday.

  3. More fun.... so jealous!!! I think anywhere you can drink wine in the streets seems pretty amazing!
