First a little business. Here’s the scoop:
- Each Wednesday create a post about what’s going on in your life and #hashtag each item or story. See an example HERE. Be as creative as you want!
- Grab the button and include it in your post
- Link up so we can all #creep on you and find out what’s new/funny/awesome /shitty in your life.
- Comment on at least one other blogger’s post from the link up (someone you don’t already know!) if there even is anyone who links up…
- Share on all your social sites with #hashtaghumpday
- Have fun! #hashtagtheshitoutofeverything #whocaresifitsarealhashtag
Let's get on to the randomness shall we?
I've decided if I win the lottery I'm going to fly in a bunch of my blog friends to meet in real life. All here on my own turf, all at once. There are a few who are already on the list and I'm telling you, you want to be on this list. So start making your pleas and pledge your love. It will involve a great vacay with yours truly and a brew tour of Boise, naturally #imbuyinglottotickets #getyourpartypantson #itcouldhappen
Everyone is doing "hello September" and "yay fall" posts and I'm all over here like, here's what I ate all week and here's where I shop online since I know you are dying to know #allaboutmyself #sorryfall
Do you ever want to talk/rant about something on your blog, but you're scared the person involved might find it? That's me this week #allthegossip #nowheretoventontheinternet
My spending is officially out of control. I thought I was done, I told myself I was done. And then I up and ordered my very first #realtimeblogger planner, and bought a jacket at Costco. Damn you Costco. You are like the wholesale Target #itwasonly$20 #iNEEDEDtheplanner #dontmindmewhileionlineshopsomemore
Is it bad that I already want to make the Facebook event for my annual Ugly Sweater Party? #readyforchristmas #itsnevertoosoon
I had my Fantasy Football draft on Sunday and it was meh. I mean I feel like I never have a good draft. Does anyone ever feel like the do? If so I hate you. Oh and I hate Yahoo for their snarky comments about how I did on my draft #letseeyoudobetter #suckit
This weekend is my 3rd trip down the aisle. As a bridesmaid. I'm so not ready for it. So much for those 20 lbs I was going to lose. Last wedding of the season though! #almostover #thankgodforopenbar #butreallyimexcited
What are you #hashtagging this week? Link up and hang out!

Let's get on to the randomness shall we?
I've decided if I win the lottery I'm going to fly in a bunch of my blog friends to meet in real life. All here on my own turf, all at once. There are a few who are already on the list and I'm telling you, you want to be on this list. So start making your pleas and pledge your love. It will involve a great vacay with yours truly and a brew tour of Boise, naturally #imbuyinglottotickets #getyourpartypantson #itcouldhappen
Everyone is doing "hello September" and "yay fall" posts and I'm all over here like, here's what I ate all week and here's where I shop online since I know you are dying to know #allaboutmyself #sorryfall
Do you ever want to talk/rant about something on your blog, but you're scared the person involved might find it? That's me this week #allthegossip #nowheretoventontheinternet
My spending is officially out of control. I thought I was done, I told myself I was done. And then I up and ordered my very first #realtimeblogger planner, and bought a jacket at Costco. Damn you Costco. You are like the wholesale Target #itwasonly$20 #iNEEDEDtheplanner #dontmindmewhileionlineshopsomemore
Is it bad that I already want to make the Facebook event for my annual Ugly Sweater Party? #readyforchristmas #itsnevertoosoon
I had my Fantasy Football draft on Sunday and it was meh. I mean I feel like I never have a good draft. Does anyone ever feel like the do? If so I hate you. Oh and I hate Yahoo for their snarky comments about how I did on my draft #letseeyoudobetter #suckit
This weekend is my 3rd trip down the aisle. As a bridesmaid. I'm so not ready for it. So much for those 20 lbs I was going to lose. Last wedding of the season though! #almostover #thankgodforopenbar #butreallyimexcited
What are you #hashtagging this week? Link up and hang out!

I want to be on the list! I make amazing drinks that is my bargaining chip! Also all of the desserts I love desserts. I'm getting super jealous of all the planter post I totally want to dive in and get an awesome planner but there so pricey! I suppose I'll just have to stick with my cheap ones from target or TJ Maxx.
ReplyDeleteUm, can I be on your list? Also I sucked at the draft. I don't have high hopes for winning this thing!
ReplyDeleteLOL at that draft. I don't think it went super great for anyone, but I'm excited for this season with y'all! I forgot that I was moving this weekend and in a stroke of brilliance my boyfriend told me to pre-rank my players since I didn't have wi-fi yet and there was a 50/50 chance the apartment pool had wireless. I don't totally hate my team, but I did end up with a lot of random kickers haha! I totally feel you on wedding season...which has really just been wedding year. PS I want to be on the list!
ReplyDeleteSometimes I rant about family members on my blog (things they've said or did). And then I'm like, "Shit! My blog URL is in my instagram profile." I have since taken it off there... haaha
ReplyDeleteYep... wedding season is finally winding down. Enjoy this one!
ReplyDeleteJust go ahead and sign me up for your blog brewery tour! Hell yes! And ummmm every time I say I am not going to spend money, I drop a shit ton. Every time. I really want a fancy planner but I know I wont use it. I keep telling myself well maybe it will make me use it....but I would be so mad if I didn't.
ReplyDeleteThere have been a few times I wanted to share something on my blog but afraid that person would see. It happens.
You need to let me know how you like the planner after you use it for a while!
ReplyDeleteOoh! I want to be on your list! I can offer... um... er... guest spot on Bourbon & Bordeaux? Bourbon, Bordeaux & Boise?
ReplyDeleteI constantly want to rant or admit things like how much blogging I do at work (shhh!) but then I'm worried someone will find it too!
ReplyDeleteEveryone's posting things like "yay fall" and "hello september" and i'm over here like #isntitstilljuly ? And heck yes to the question of do you ever want to blog about someone but are afraid they'll find the post. #damnitgoogle
ReplyDeleteYou know what? It's not Fall where I live. Hell, Australians don't even call it "Fall" when it is that season. So, I welcome the non-fall posts because it's making a girl feel a little out of touch over here when I'm all like Hey! It's Spring!
ReplyDeleteI've actually said something to the effect of that lotto win - fly all blogger friends to Sydney wish too. It could happen. You're on my list if I can be on yours :)
Hey girl!!!
ReplyDeleteShopping makes everything better. Right? It has to.
I've totally been there with wanting to write about something, but not wanting people to find it.
I better be on that list and I REALLY hope you win the lottery!! Also, I'm inviting myself to your Ugly Sweater party because FUN!
ReplyDeleteOk I really should not have clicked on that link for the planner, because now I want it. I have so been there on wanting to vent about something but being afraid to! Even if I'm really vague I'm afraid I'll give just enough detail that the person would figure it out and I so don't want to deal with that drama!
ReplyDeleteOkay so I am ALWAYS holding back when it comes to ranting on and on about my sister-in-law and she's bound to find it somewhere online since she has zero job and makes zero contribution to society...I sound so mean but if only you knew....LOL.
ReplyDeleteInteresting topic shown here, i am now working on it regularly here and would say keep the future posts like this continuously togel hongkong